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Having spent decades immersed in med tech, I've seen software come and go. My goal with this RXNT software review is to give you a clear and comprehensive understanding of its offerings. I'll provide all the information you need to determine if it’s the right fit for your needs.

RXNT software review - Screenshot of the patient's billing dashboard of the tool
Here's a screenshot of the billing dashboard inside RXNT software showing the patient's billing summary.

RXNT Software Product Overview

RXNT is a comprehensive electronic medical record (EMR) and electronic prescribing (eRx) system that streamlines healthcare management through its apps available on iOS and Android devices. Catering to healthcare providers, including small businesses, it offers real-time tools, notably RXNT EHR, to enhance patient engagement and manage electronic records efficiently.

This software primarily addresses challenges in revenue cycle management, charting, patient bill handling, and eligibility verification. Users often applaud its mobile apps for enabling quick access on any mobile device and emphasize features like its intuitive EHR software and effective patient engagement tools in their user reviews.


  • Streamlined Billing: This user-friendly software simplifies the complex billing process, reducing errors and expediting payments.
  • Patient Portal: RXNT offers a patient portal that enhances communication and appointment management.
  • Integrated e-Prescribing: Efficient prescription management becomes straightforward with RXNT's e-prescribing feature.


  • Learning Curve: Some users might find the software interface initially challenging to navigate.
  • Integration Hitches: While RXNT has multiple integrations, occasionally they can be less than persistent.
  • Customization Limitations: Compared to some competitors, RXNT’s customization options are somewhat restricted.

Expert Opinion

In the expansive field of medical practice management software, RXNT certainly holds its ground. The software's features, from its patient portal to e-prescribing capabilities, are commendable. Although its pricing is competitive, there's a learning curve when mastering its interface—a factor worth considering for new users. The onboarding process and support are above average but might not outshine all competitors.

When determining its place in the market, it fares well with its robust integrations. In terms of choosing an optimal environment, RXNT shines in medium to large practices where varied functionalities are essential.

RXNT: The Bottom Line

Distinguishing itself in the saturated medical software system, RXNT offers a cohesive patient portal—a feature, not all competitors can boast. Its integrated e-prescribing system stands out, ensuring prescriptions are managed efficiently. Among its most noteworthy features, the streamlined medical billing and scheduling process truly sets RXNT apart, offering practices an effective solution to the often tedious payment process.

RXNT Deep Dive

Here's a deep dive into RXNT’s features, best use cases, pricing, customer support, and other purchase factors.

Product Specifications:

  1. Patient Scheduling - Yes
  2. Billing & Invoicing - Yes
  3. E-Prescribing - Yes
  4. Patient Records Management - Yes
  5. Document Management - Yes
  6. Task Management - Yes
  7. Patient Portal - Yes
  8. Medical Coding - Yes
  9. Insurance Verification - Yes
  10. Reporting and Analytics - Yes
  11. Appointment Reminders - Yes
  12. Payment Processing - Yes
  13. Clinical Notes - Yes
  14. Integration Capabilities - Yes
  15. Mobile Access - Yes
  16. Multi-location Support - Yes
  17. Patient Check-in - Yes
  18. Claim Management - Yes
  19. Compliance Management - Yes
  20. Secure Messaging - Yes
  21. Telemedicine - Yes
  22. Inventory Management - No
  23. Wait List Management - Yes
  24. Performance Metrics - Yes
  25. Customizable Templates - Yes

Feature Overview

  1. Patient Portal: RXNT’s portal facilitates patient-practice communication, ensuring timely appointments and information flow.
  2. E-Prescribing: Streamlined e-prescription ensures patients get the right medication without delays.
  3. Billing & Invoicing: The billing system caters to intricate details, reducing errors and enhancing revenue flow.
  4. Patient Records Management: An organized system ensures patient data is readily available, enhancing decision-making.
  5. Secure Messaging: This functionality enhances doctor-patient interaction without compromising privacy.
  6. Telemedicine: Remote consultations cater to a wider patient base, ensuring medical care regardless of location.
  7. Document Management: Handling patient files becomes effortless, ensuring data retrieval is easy.
  8. Task Management: With RXNT, clinics can manage daily operations efficiently.
  9. Claim Management: The tool helps in the easy tracking and managing of insurance claims, thus minimizing denials.
  10. Performance Metrics: RXNT provides insights, helping practices analyze performance and make necessary improvements.

Standout Functionality

  1. Telemedicine: While many tools have begun incorporating this, RXNT’s remote consultation is easy, intuitive, and adaptable to various practice sizes.
  2. Secure Messaging: RXNT offers an encrypted messaging feature, ensuring patient-doctor confidentiality remains intact.
  3. Document Management: Unlike basic storage solutions, RXNT’s system categorizes, tags, and retrieves patient files efficiently.


RXNT boasts of native integrations with billing tools, e-prescription pharmacies, and laboratory management systems. An available API allows for further customization and third-party tool inclusion. Additionally, certain add-ons can be procured to enhance specific functionalities such as advanced analytics or specialized patient portals.

RXNT Pricing

  1. Basic Tier: $65/user/month - Covers essential EHR and patient engagement tools suitable for smaller practices.
  2. Professional Tier: $100/user/month (min 5 seats) - Includes advanced revenue cycle management and eligibility checks.
  3. Enterprise Tier: $150/user/month (billed annually) - For larger healthcare providers, offers advanced eRx and enhanced patient tools.
  4. Starter Pack: Limited free tier for users to get acquainted.

Ease of Use

Upon first interaction with RXNT, I noticed its clean interface, clearly labeled functionalities, and intuitive design. However, there’s a slight learning curve when navigating some advanced features. The onboarding process is relatively smooth, with guided tours easing new users into the system.

Customer Support

RXNT provides a decent customer support structure. With resources like documentation and webinars, users can familiarize themselves. The live chat function is notably responsive. However, some users might find the absence of a 24/7 helpline slightly limiting.

Who would be a good fit for RXNT?

From my experience and analysis, RXNT thrives most within medium to large-scale medical practices and clinics. Its multifaceted approach to managing patient records, billing, and telemedicine resonates well with healthcare professionals aiming for efficient workflows. Medical practices that place a high emphasis on secure communication and a comprehensive patient portal will find RXNT invaluable.

It’s evident that larger teams, especially those spread across multiple locations, have become some of the most loyal users, often citing the software’s integrated e-prescribing and claim management systems as game-changers.

Who would be a bad fit for RXNT?

While RXNT offers an extensive suite of features, smaller practices or individual healthcare practitioners might find it overwhelming. Clinics that deal primarily with walk-ins and don't emphasize telemedicine might feel some functionalities redundant. Sole practitioners or clinics that are just starting may not fully utilize the breadth of features offered, potentially making the investment less worthwhile.


Does RXNT offer mobile access?

Yes, RXNT provides mobile accessibility to manage and monitor various functions on the go.

Is there a telemedicine feature within RXNT?

Yes, RXNT offers an easy telemedicine solution for remote consultations.

Can I integrate RXNT with other tools?

Absolutely, RXNT boasts native integrations and an API for additional third-party tools.

How does the billing system of RXNT function?

RXNT provides a comprehensive billing system that caters to intricate medical billing details, reducing errors and improving payment cycles.

Does RXNT have a secure messaging feature?

Yes, it offers encrypted messaging ensuring doctor-patient confidentiality.

Can RXNT manage multiple clinic locations?

Indeed, RXNT supports functionalities needed for multi-location practices.

What's the onboarding process like for RXNT?

RXNT provides a smooth onboarding process with guided tours to help new users navigate the system.

Does RXNT support e-prescribing?

Yes, RXNT has an integrated e-prescribing system for efficient medication prescription and management.

Alternatives to RXNT

  • Epic: Particularly useful for large hospital chains, offering deep integration with clinical management.
  • Cerner: Known for its expansive electronic health records (EHR) software system and robust data analytics.
  • Athenahealth: A cloud-based solution that excels in automating administrative tasks, making it ideal for practices seeking streamlined operations.

RXNT Company Overview & History

RXNT operates as a medical practice management software company, focusing on enhancing healthcare workflows through technological interventions. Widely used by various healthcare establishments, the company has carved a niche for itself within the med-tech industry. Based out of Annapolis, Maryland, it's privately held, ensuring a concentrated vision for its product line.

While specific notable employees or board members aren't publicized widely, the company’s mission revolves around delivering efficient, reliable, and integrated healthcare software solutions. Since its inception, RXNT has consistently updated its software suite, emphasizing user feedback and technological advancements.


Having delved deep into RXNT offerings, it's evident that this medical practice management software has a lot to offer, especially for medium to large-sized healthcare practices. Its strengths in billing, patient management, and telemedicine can greatly enhance healthcare service delivery. However, it's essential for potential users to evaluate their specific needs to see if RXNT aligns with their practice's objectives. I invite all my readers to share their experiences and insights to foster a well-informed community.

John Payne
By John Payne

John Payne is the co-founder and company director of Symphony Health. With over 20 years of management experience John is working alongside his wife, Dr. Kate Payne to build a multi-site Medical Practice where staff work collaboratively for the good of their patients. John is passionate about improving access to quality Healthcare in North Vancouver and sharing best practice with other people managing medical practices.