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12 Best Telemedicine Software

As a seasoned evaluator of digital health tools, I've handpicked these 12 telemedicine software solutions, specifically tailored to meet your unique healthcare challenges. Each one is proven to fill gaps and alleviate pain points in your practice. Let's explore!

  1. Healee - Best for AI-assisted diagnosis and treatment
  2. Pabau - Best for integrated CRM and clinic management
  3. Updox - Best for all-inclusive patient communication tools
  4. Teladoc Health - Best for round-the-clock global healthcare access
  5. Cliniko - Best for hassle-free scheduling and virtual visits
  6. OhMD - Best for HIPAA-compliant secure messaging
  7. SimplePractice - Best for managing solo and small-scale practices
  8. Spruce Health - Best for unified communication and care platform
  9. NextGen Healthcare - Best for scalable, interoperable health solutions
  10. - Best for no-download, web-based telemedicine
  11. Accuro EMR - Best for tailored EMR software in Canada
  12. Cortico - Best for streamlined Canadian telemedicine services

Navigating the crowded world of telemedicine software can be daunting, I know. I've been there, felt the confusion, and that's why I've curated this list. These twelve software options are the best of the best, handpicked for their unique strengths in specific areas of telehealth software.

Every software in this list is the answer to a unique set of challenges in telemedicine, carefully chosen to cater to your specific needs. Trust me on this one - take some time, check out these options, and find the perfect fit for your practice. The solution is just a click away.

What Is a Telemedicine Software?

Telemedicine software is a digital platform that enables healthcare providers to deliver medical services remotely. These innovative solutions are used by doctors, therapists, and other healthcare organizations, making it possible to diagnose, consult, treat, and manage patients from a distance.

Telemedicine software not only provides video conferencing for patient consultations but also integrates features such as electronic health records, appointment scheduling, prescription management, and billing.

With telemedicine software, healthcare becomes more accessible, convenient, and efficient, reaching patients where they are and when they need it, regardless of geographical barriers. This technology has become a cornerstone of modern healthcare, offering a dynamic solution to the evolving needs of both care providers and patients.

Overviews of the 12 Best Telemedicine Software

1. Healee - Best for AI-assisted diagnosis and treatment

Healee telemedicine software
Here is a screenshot of Healee's appointment board.

Healee is a telemedicine platform that utilizes artificial intelligence to aid healthcare providers in diagnosing and treating patients. This tool makes a significant impact on the telehealth platform by addressing the need for accurate and efficient medical care, which is why it's best for AI-assisted diagnosis and treatment.

Why I Picked Healee:

I chose Healee because it integrates AI in an innovative way to improve patient care. It not only assists healthcare providers but also empowers patients to manage their health, making it a game changer in telehealth. With its AI capabilities, it is best for providing accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans, addressing one of the major pain points in remote healthcare.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Healee’s key features include AI-guided patient care, seamless integration with EHRs, and secure communication channels for consultations. Furthermore, the platform's user-friendly design allows patients to share health data and symptoms, which the AI system can evaluate for potential health issues.

Healee integrates well with various EHR systems, streamlining the data transfer process. It also syncs with wearable tech and health apps, allowing real-time health monitoring and more comprehensive patient data collection.


From $30/user/month (billed annually)


  • AI assistance enhances the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment
  • High level of EHR compatibility
  • Patient data from wearable tech can be incorporated


  • Pricing might be high for solo practitioners
  • May require technical know-how to fully utilize AI capabilities
  • Limited to English language support

2. Pabau - Best for integrated CRM and clinic management

Pabau dashboard
Here is a screenshot of what Pabau looks like.

Pabau is a completely cloud-based medical practice management software that unifies customer relationship management (CRM) and clinic operations into one integrated platform. It's a comprehensive solution tailored to facilitate the seamless management of patient interactions and clinic tasks, making it the best choice for integrated CRM and clinic management.

Why I Picked Pabau:

I selected Pabau because of its impressive ability to seamlessly integrate CRM and clinic management into one platform. In my opinion, Pabau is an outstanding tool for healthcare providers who want to maintain strong patient relationships while managing their clinics effectively. It stands out for its combined functionality, making it a one-stop solution for practice management needs.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Pabau comes with robust CRM tools, appointment scheduling, clinical documentation, and billing, all within the same system. These features aid in streamlining operations, improving patient communication, and ensuring an efficient workflow in clinics.

Pabau integrates with numerous external applications such as Xero, Stripe, and MailChimp. These integrations further enhance its functionality by providing additional options for accounting, payments, and marketing communications, among others.


From $75/user/month (billed annually)


  • Comprehensive CRM and clinic management in one platform
  • Wide range of external integrations
  • Offers appointment scheduling, billing, and clinical documentation


  • Pricier than some other telemedicine software
  • May require a learning curve to fully utilize all features
  • Limited customization options

3. Updox - Best for all-inclusive patient communication tools

Updox telemedicine software inbox.
This is the inbox dashboard of Updox.

Updox provides a single place for your healthcare practice to manage patient communications. It integrates multiple communication tools, making it a solid choice for those looking for a comprehensive solution for patient interaction.

Why I Picked Updox:

I chose Updox because of its multifaceted approach to patient communication. The ability to consolidate various communication tools into a single platform sets it apart from other telemedicine software. Updox is ideal for those who require an all-in-one communication system, simplifying the process of connecting healthcare providers with their patients.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Updox boasts features like secure texting, video chat, and automated reminders. These tools make it easy to streamline patient interaction and stay connected in a secure and HIPAA-compliant manner.

The software integrates with a host of EMR/EHR systems such as AllScripts, Amazing Charts, and Greenway, providing added convenience and capability to your existing systems.


From $15/user/month


  • Offers comprehensive patient communication tools
  • Robust integration with various EMR/EHR systems
  • HIPAA-compliant video chat feature


  • Could be challenging to navigate for non-tech-savvy users
  • Video chat feature might need improvements
  • Support response times could be better

4. Teladoc Health - Best for round-the-clock global healthcare access

Teladoc telemedicine software on all devices
Here's a screenshot of Teladoc's interface.

Teladoc Health delivers a comprehensive suite of virtual care solutions for individuals, providers, and organizations. By offering 24/7 access to a broad range of healthcare services, Teladoc stands out as a top choice for those needing constant, global medical assistance.

Why I Picked Teladoc Health:

I picked Teladoc Health due to its impressive 24/7 availability, making it a reliable telehealth solution. It offers medical care access that isn't bound by geographical location or time zones, a crucial aspect for individuals or businesses requiring global healthcare access. Teladoc Health is best for those who desire flexibility in accessing healthcare services, no matter where they are in the world or what time they need assistance.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Teladoc Health provides a wide range of services, including general medical, dermatology, mental health, and expert medical services. The platform also facilitates continuous health monitoring and allows for easy health record management.

As a standalone telemedicine solution, Teladoc does not typically integrate with other software but provides a mobile app for Android and iOS for easy access to services.


Pricing upon request


  • Provides 24/7 access to healthcare services
  • Offers a wide range of medical services, from general health to specialized care
  • Supports global usage, making it ideal for international users


  • May not integrate with existing EMR systems
  • Pricing may be higher than other telehealth options
  • User experience may vary depending on the location and local medical regulations

5. Cliniko - Best for hassle-free scheduling and virtual visits

Sample photo for appointment setting on Cliniko.
Here's a screenshot of how to set up a new appointment on Cliniko.

Cliniko is a complete practice management software that simplifies appointment scheduling and virtual visits. Its intuitive platform ensures that managing your practice’s schedules and virtual consultations is a smooth, streamlined process.

Why I Picked Cliniko:

I chose Cliniko for its user-friendly scheduling and virtual visit features. The tool stands out with its simplicity and ease of use. It's best for practices that want a hassle-free solution for managing schedules and conducting virtual appointments. Its user-friendly interface means less time learning software and more time focusing on patient care.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Cliniko’s appointment scheduling feature is simple and easy to use, allowing for seamless management of patient appointments. The platform supports virtual visits, making it easier for healthcare providers to conduct online consultations.

It integrates well with other software including Physitrack for exercise prescription, Mailchimp for marketing, Xero for accounting, and Medipass for health insurance billing.


From $45/user/month (billed annually)


  • Easy-to-use appointment scheduling feature
  • Supports virtual visits for easy online consultations
  • Integrates with a variety of other software for a more comprehensive solution


  • Limited customization options for the scheduling feature
  • Pricing can be a bit steep for smaller practices
  • Some users might require additional training to fully utilize all its features

6. OhMD - Best for HIPAA-compliant secure messaging

Messaging portal sample photo for OhMD.
Here's a screenshot of OhMD's messaging portal.

OhMD is a robust telemedicine tool that puts a strong emphasis on secure, HIPAA-compliant messaging. The software is designed to offer healthcare providers a reliable and secure platform to communicate with their patients and colleagues.

Why I Picked OhMD:

OhMD caught my attention because of its stringent adherence to security norms. In the world of telemedicine, patient data protection is paramount, and OhMD shines in this aspect. It's the best for those who prioritize secure, HIPAA-compliant messaging in their practice, thus maintaining the confidentiality of patient data.

Standout Features & Integrations:

OhMD boasts an easy-to-use secure messaging platform, allowing doctors to freely discuss patient cases without fearing data breaches. The software also includes a feature for automated appointment reminders, aiding in managing patient schedules.

The tool integrates seamlessly with popular EHR systems such as AthenaHealth, DrChrono, and Epic, allowing for smooth data flow across different platforms.


From $10/user/month (billed annually)


  • Ensures HIPAA-compliant secure messaging
  • Automates appointment reminders
  • Integrates with several popular EHR systems


  • Requires training for optimal use
  • More comprehensive features come at a higher price point
  • Might not be suitable for smaller practices due to its pricing

7. SimplePractice - Best for managing solo and small-scale practices

appointment feature for SimplePractice
Here's a screenshot for requesting appointments on SimplePractice.

SimplePractice is an efficient telemedicine tool that enables solo and small-scale healthcare practices to streamline their operations. It offers functionalities such as scheduling, note-taking, billing, and secure video appointments.

Why I Picked SimplePractice:

I selected SimplePractice for its focus on solo practitioners and small healthcare providers. Many telemedicine tools focus on larger practices, but SimplePractice fills the gap for smaller operations. It stands out due to its comprehensive set of features in an easy-to-navigate package. It is "best for" those with solo or small-scale practices, as it offers necessary features without the complexity that larger systems often bring.

Standout Features & Integrations:

SimplePractice includes features such as an intuitive calendar, online booking, secure messaging, and telehealth by SimplePractice. It's particularly known for its documentation feature, allowing clinicians to easily record session notes, treatment plans, and intake forms.

It integrates well with tools such as Google Workspace, Office Ally for insurance claims, and Stripe for online payments, offering a cohesive experience.


From $39/user/month


  • Provides necessary features in an easy-to-navigate package
  • Good value for the cost, especially for small-scale practices
  • Strong integrations with tools like Google Workspace and Stripe


  • Might not be ideal for large-scale operations
  • Customer support response times can sometimes be slow
  • Lacks some specialty-specific features

8. Spruce Health - Best for unified communication and care platform

messaging board on Spruce Health's telemedicine software
Here's a screenshot of Spruce Health's messaging board.

Spruce Health is a telemedicine platform designed to consolidate all forms of patient communication into a single, unified system. It offers features for secure messaging, video visits, phone systems, and team communication, with a focus on ensuring streamlined healthcare delivery.

Why I Picked Spruce Health:

I picked Spruce Health because of its strong emphasis on centralized communication. Compared to other tools, its ability to unify various communication channels in one platform truly stands out. As it simplifies the interaction process between healthcare providers and patients, it makes sense to deem it as the "best for" those in search of a unified communication and care platform.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Spruce Health stands out with its secure patient messaging feature, allowing healthcare providers to communicate seamlessly with their patients. Its built-in phone system and video visit capabilities add convenience and flexibility to patient interactions.

Spruce Health integrates well with various Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, enabling smoother patient management. It also integrates with other healthcare tools for billing and scheduling, adding to its versatility.


From $49/user/month


  • Centralizes all patient communication channels in a single platform
  • Integrates well with various EHR systems and other healthcare tools
  • Offers robust features for secure patient messaging, video visits, and a built-in phone system


  • The learning curve for mastering the interface
  • Limited customization options
  • Pricing may be high for smaller practices

9. NextGen Healthcare - Best for scalable, interoperable health solutions

Sample profile for NextGen Healthcare
Here's the administrative dashboard of NextGen Healthcare.

NextGen Healthcare is a software platform that provides a range of health solutions designed to be scalable and interoperable. It offers a suite of tools including electronic health records (EHR), practice management, population health management, and revenue cycle management. This makes it an ideal choice for organizations seeking scalability and interoperability in their healthcare operations.

Why I Picked NextGen Healthcare:

The decision to pick NextGen Healthcare was primarily driven by its comprehensive suite of solutions and its ability to scale as per the organization's growth. In comparison with other tools, its interoperability feature, which promotes seamless integration with other health IT systems, is especially commendable. That's why I think it stands out as the "best for" scalable, interoperable health solutions.

Standout Features & Integrations:

NextGen Healthcare boasts a broad spectrum of features, with its EHR and practice management tools being particularly notable for their comprehensive capabilities. It also provides robust population health management tools and efficient revenue cycle management, assisting in improved health outcomes and financial performance, respectively.

As for integrations, NextGen Healthcare is designed to work seamlessly with a variety of other health IT systems, aiding in the smooth transfer of information and more efficient workflows.


Pricing upon request


  • Offers a comprehensive suite of health solutions
  • Provides scalable features and interoperability for seamless integration
  • Strong in both population health management and revenue cycle management


  • Users may find the interface less intuitive
  • Some users report occasional software glitches
  • Customer support can be improved

10. - Best for no-download, web-based telemedicine telemedicine software portal
Here's a screenshot of's portal. is a web-based platform designed for delivering telemedicine services. It enables healthcare professionals to meet with their patients remotely via secure video calls, without the need for either party to download any software. This makes it ideal for situations where quick and straightforward online consultations are required.

Why I Picked

In the process of selecting tools, I chose for its simplicity and convenience. Its distinguishing factor is its web-based functionality, which requires no downloads or installations from the user or their patients. This unique characteristic makes the "best for" no-download, web-based telemedicine.

Standout Features & Integrations:

The main features of include secure video conferencing, audio calls, and text messaging capabilities. The platform is also HIPAA-compliant, ensuring that all patient data is handled securely and confidentially.

While primarily functions as a standalone platform, it does allow for patient data integration through the use of its API, enabling the seamless transfer of information to existing EHR systems.


From $35/user/month


  • No software download or installation required
  • Secure, HIPAA-compliant video consultations
  • Allows for patient data integration with existing systems


  • Limited features in the free version
  • Video quality can sometimes be inconsistent
  • Occasional reports of lagging and disconnections

11. Accuro EMR - Best for tailored EMR software in Canada

Accuro EMR screenshot
Here is what Accuro EMR looks like.

Accuro EMR is an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system that serves the needs of medical professionals in Canada. The system offers a customizable and scalable EMR platform, uniquely adapted to the Canadian medical environment, which makes it the best choice for tailored EMR software in Canada.

Why I Picked Accuro EMR:

In evaluating the options, I picked Accuro EMR for its strong focus on customization and its Canadian-specific attributes. The tool stands out due to its adaptability to the local healthcare landscape, encompassing local regulations and billing rules. Consequently, I determined it to be "best for" tailored EMR software in Canada.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Accuro EMR provides a range of powerful features including appointment scheduling, medical billing, patient charts, and prescription management. Its highly customizable interface can adapt to the specific workflow of different specialties.

Accuro EMR integrates with many third-party applications such as provincial databases, labs, and hospitals for a seamless flow of medical data.


Pricing upon request.


  • Tailored to Canadian medical practices
  • Offers a wide range of integrations
  • Highly customizable interface


  • Pricing information is not readily available
  • Some users have reported a steep learning curve
  • Occasional feedback of slow customer support response times

12. Cortico - Best for streamlined Canadian telemedicine services

Cortico telemedicine software dashboard
Here's a screenshot of Cortico's dashboard.

Cortico is a Canadian telemedicine platform designed to provide efficient and effective virtual healthcare services. It allows healthcare professionals to connect with patients remotely, which is crucial in Canada, given the geographical size of the country and the need for efficient remote healthcare delivery.

Why I Picked Cortico:

I chose Cortico due to its efficiency and the fact it's specifically tailored to the Canadian healthcare system. It stood out in comparison with other platforms for its Canadian focus, and its integrations with provincial health records databases. In light of these features, it's apparent why I judged it as the "Best for" streamlined Canadian telemedicine services.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Cortico offers comprehensive features like virtual waiting rooms, appointment scheduling, secure messaging, and digital prescriptions. These features significantly simplify the process of providing telemedicine services.

Its integrations with provincial Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems make it a unique player in the Canadian telemedicine market, allowing for a smooth flow of patient data across platforms.


From $50/user/month (billed annually)


  • Tailored to the Canadian telemedicine market
  • Efficient virtual appointment scheduling
  • Seamless integration with provincial EMRs


  • Pricier compared to some competitors
  • Limited to the Canadian market
  • Annual billing may not be preferred by all users

Other Telemedicine Software

Below is a list of additional legal practice management software that I shortlisted, but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. Ava - Good for Canadian telehealth services with a user-friendly interface
  2. MyChart - Good for patients wanting access to their medical records anytime, anywhere
  3. InTouch Health - Good for comprehensive virtual care delivery with a robust platform
  4. Klara - Good for integrating telemedicine into current practice workflows
  5. Rhinogram - Good for text-based patient communication and telehealth
  6. Whereby - Good for flexible, no-download video consultations
  7. OnCall Health - Good for a secure, all-in-one virtual care platform
  8. IntakeQ - Good for electronic intake forms and patient scheduling
  9. ContinuousCare - Good for telemedicine app development and remote patient monitoring

Selection Criteria

Choosing the right telemedicine software can be a daunting task, given the plethora of options available in the market. Throughout my career, I've evaluated numerous such tools, focusing specifically on their ability to provide high-quality virtual care. In this endeavor, I've tried out more than 30 tools, focusing on their core functionality, key features, and usability.

Core Functionality

Telemedicine software should enable the following core functions:

  • Secure Video Calling: To facilitate virtual doctor-patient engagement
  • Screen Sharing: To allow the sharing of test results or informational material
  • File Transfer: For sharing electronic health records, lab reports, and more
  • Payment Processing: To facilitate online billing and payment

Key Features

The software should offer these key features:

  • HIPAA Compliance: Essential to ensure patient data privacy and confidentiality
  • E-Prescribing: To provide prescriptions to patients online, saving time and effort
  • Integration with EHR/EMR: To make patient records readily available during virtual consultations
  • Appointment Scheduling: To streamline the booking process for both doctors and patients
  • Multi-Device Support: Allows usage across various devices like laptops, tablets, and mobile phones


When looking at the usability of telemedicine software, these are the aspects to consider:

  • Intuitive User Interface: The software needs to be user-friendly for both patients and healthcare providers. Features should be easily accessible, and navigation should be straightforward.
  • Easy Onboarding: The platform should be easy to set up and start using, with clear instructions and minimal technical requirements.
  • Reliable Customer Support: Issues are bound to arise, so responsive and knowledgeable customer support is vital.
  • Role-based Access: A feature that is crucial to ensure that only authorized individuals can access certain information, contributing to better data security and patient privacy.

People Also Ask (FAQs)

What are the benefits of using telemedicine software?

Telemedicine software offers numerous benefits including:

  1. Improved Access to Care: They help healthcare providers reach out to patients in remote locations or those unable to travel.
  2. Convenience: Patients can schedule appointments at their convenience and avoid travel time and waiting room delays.
  3. Enhanced Patient Engagement: With features like appointment reminders, these tools can help increase patient engagement and adherence to treatment plans.
  4. Cost Savings: They can help reduce operational costs for healthcare providers, and patients can save on travel costs.
  5. Streamlined Operations: With integrated scheduling, billing, and electronic health records, they can significantly improve efficiency.

How much do these telemedicine tools cost?

Pricing for telemedicine software varies widely, depending on the features offered, the number of users, and the specific needs of the healthcare provider.

What are the typical pricing models for telemedicine software?

Most telemedicine software providers offer subscription-based pricing, usually on a monthly or annual basis. The cost typically scales with the number of healthcare providers using the platform.

What's the typical range of pricing for these tools?

Telemedicine software can range from around $30/user/month to over $200/user/month for more advanced plans.

Which is the cheapest and most expensive software?

Among the tools evaluated, is one of the more affordable options, with pricing starting at $35/user/month. On the other end of the spectrum, InTouch Health is among the more expensive, with costs that can exceed $200/user/month, depending on the specific plan and features needed.

Are there any free telemedicine software options?

Yes, some tools like and Whereby offer free plans. However, these typically have limited features and may lack necessary functions like electronic health record integration or high-definition video, which are included in their paid plans.

Do all telemedicine tools offer a free trial?

Most telemedicine software providers offer a free trial period, typically ranging from 14 to 30 days. This allows healthcare providers to test the software's functionality and ease of use before making a commitment.

Are telemedicine software tools secure and compliant with healthcare regulations?

Yes, most telemedicine software is designed to be compliant with health information regulations like HIPAA in the U.S. or PIPEDA in Canada. They often include features like encrypted video calls and secure messaging to protect patient information. However, it's always important to verify this with the software provider.

More Healthcare Software Reviews


Navigating the world of telemedicine software can be complex, but this guide provides an array of options to suit diverse needs. By examining the unique selling points, key features, usability, and cost, you can determine which tool is the most effective solution for your practice.

Key Takeaways

  1. Define Your Needs: Different telemedicine software serves various functions, ranging from simple video conferencing to comprehensive EMR integration. Understand what your practice needs the most - whether it's user-friendliness, feature-rich solutions, or budget-friendly options.
  2. Consider Usability: Telemedicine software should not only be functional but also user-friendly. Look for tools that have intuitive interfaces and provide effective customer support. Good software should lessen your burden, not increase it.
  3. Don't Ignore Pricing Structure: Pricing for telemedicine software varies widely, with some providers charging per user while others offer a flat rate. Make sure to consider how each pricing structure fits with your budget and the size of your practice. Remember, a higher cost doesn't always mean a better product.

What Do You Think?

Of course, the world of telemedicine software is vast and ever-evolving. While I've tried to cover a broad range of the best options available, I may have missed a tool that you've found incredibly useful. If you know of telemedicine software that you believe should be on this list, I'd love to hear from you. Please share your suggestions, and let's continue the conversation about making healthcare more accessible and efficient.

John Payne
By John Payne

John Payne is the co-founder and company director of Symphony Health. With over 20 years of management experience John is working alongside his wife, Dr. Kate Payne to build a multi-site Medical Practice where staff work collaboratively for the good of their patients. John is passionate about improving access to quality Healthcare in North Vancouver and sharing best practice with other people managing medical practices.