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12 Best Patient Relationship Management Software Shortlist

After a thorough evaluation, I've shortlisted these 12 best patient relationship management software tools.

  1. Lighthouse 360 - Best for streamlining patient communication through automated reminders
  2. Updox - Best for comprehensive telehealth solutions ensuring seamless virtual consultations
  3. NexHealth - Best for integrated appointment scheduling and patient engagement in a single platform
  4. Salesforce Health Cloud - Best for robust patient management and engagement through its adaptable healthcare CRM system
  5. RecallMax - Best for automating patient recall process to boost retention and revenue
  6. Virtru - Best for prioritizing patient data security add-on with top-notch email encryption
  7. Weave - Best for unifying patient communication, payments, and scheduling in one place
  8. Athena Health - Best for clinical workflow optimization and electronic health record management
  9. PowerDiary - Best for handling bookings, invoicing, and client records with a feature-rich interface
  10. RepeatMD - Best for advanced marketing solutions and retaining patients with personalized communications
  11. LeadSquared - Best for a complete healthcare CRM solution that effectively tracks patient lifecycle
  12. Monday Sales CRM - Best for enhancing patient relationships and sales management with a visually intuitive interface

For those in the healthcare industry, a CRM system is more than just a way to manage contacts. It can also automate workflows, manage leads, run marketing campaigns, and streamline patient acquisition. With a cloud-based CRM tool, healthcare professionals of any size can gain a comprehensive view of patient demographics, track sales pipelines, and access medical CRM history. It's crucial to ensure that all sensitive data is managed securely and in compliance with HIPAA regulations.

Incorporating lead management features can help build strong relationships, empower managers and sales teams, and fuel business growth. Utilizing tools like marketing campaign templates and landing pages can also improve communication with your audience. Additionally, having a mobile app and API access is now essential for integration with other automation tools and flexible management.

What Is Patient Relationship Management Software?

Patient relationship management software is a specialized tool that healthcare providers and institutions use to enhance the quality of care they offer to their patients. Additionally, it streamlines the patient experience by facilitating easier scheduling appointments with old and new patients, reminding patients about upcoming visits or necessary tests, showing the patient’s medical history, sending targeted health campaigns, and offering secure communication channels.

This software creates a more organized and patient-centered approach to care by tracking patient history and preferences, improving satisfaction, a solution for healthcare and life sciences, and promoting better health outcomes.

1. Lighthouse 360 - Best for streamlining patient communication through automated reminders

Lighthouse 360 patient relationship management software
This is a view of Lighthouse 360's menu dashboard for its summary tab.

With Lighthouse 360 is a dental practice management software designed to help practices communicate efficiently with their patients. It also focuses on optimizing and automating various administrative tasks like appointment scheduling, reminders, and follow-ups, which aligns with its key strength of streamlining patient communication.

Why I Picked Lighthouse 360:

Lighthouse 360 stands as an integral tool for managing patient relationships in the healthcare payers sector. Its main focus is on enhancing patient communication through automated reminders. I selected this tool because it uniquely addresses one of the common hurdles in healthcare management - consistent, timely communication. By providing automated reminders, it reduces missed appointments and enhances patient engagement, validating why it's the best in this category.

Standout features & integrations:

Key features of Lighthouse 360 include automatic appointment reminders and recall notices, 360-degree views of patients’ medical records, and patient reviews. It also offers a virtual waiting room and digital patient registration forms, significantly improving practice efficiency. Moreover, the software integrates well with many popular dental practice management systems, ensuring that your patient data remains consistent and updated across platforms.


Lighthouse 360 pricing starts from $299/user/month (billed annually). This plan includes all basic features, and prices vary for added functionalities or larger practices.


  • Efficient automated reminders system
  • Comprehensive digital patient registration
  • Good integration with dental practice management systems


  • Comparatively high starting price
  • Primarily tailored for dental practices, may lack some features for other healthcare fields
  • Annual billing could be a constraint for smaller practices

2. Updox - Best for comprehensive telehealth solutions ensuring seamless virtual consultations

Updox patient relationship management software
Here is Updox's software installed on a device and a view of provider directory

Updox is a versatile Patient Relationship Management Software that focuses on creating efficient virtual consultation environments. Its comprehensive telehealth solutions make it an effective tool for healthcare providers looking to improve their virtual patient engagement and consultations.

Why I Picked Updox:

In choosing Updox for this list, I was particularly drawn to its wide range of telehealth solutions. It also stands out for its ability to support virtual healthcare delivery, something of increasing relevance in the current healthcare landscape. This makes it the optimal tool for practices seeking to strengthen their virtual consultations, which aligns with its "Best for..." use case.

Standout features & integrations:

Among Updox's standout features are video chat capabilities, secure messaging, and electronic faxing. Additionally, it offers appointment reminders and reputation management tools. It integrates well with several Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems and Practice Management (PM) software, making data management easier and more unified.


Pricing for Updox starts from $129/user/month. It includes access to all telehealth features and integrations.


  • Comprehensive telehealth capabilities
  • Secure messaging and electronic faxing feature
  • Robust integration with various EHR and PM systems


  • Monthly pricing may be high for smaller practices
  • The interface may have a steep learning curve for some
  • Limited features beyond telehealth as compared to other tools on the list

3. NexHealth - Best for integrated appointment scheduling and patient engagement in a single platform

NexHealth patient relationship management software
Here's a screenshot of NexHealth's user dashboard with to-do list feature

NexHealth emerges as a powerful tool that integrates appointment scheduling and patient engagement into one platform. It's a comprehensive Patient Relationship Management solution, making healthcare management simpler and more efficient, especially for large practices.

Why I Picked NexHealth:

I chose NexHealth because it seamlessly integrates two crucial components of healthcare management: appointment scheduling and patient engagement. The ability to manage these two functions on a single platform also makes it a unique addition to the list. I believe it stands as the "best for" practices seeking an all-in-one solution for their scheduling and patient engagement needs.

Standout features & integrations:

NexHealth features an intuitive appointment scheduling system, automated reminders, patient recalls, and a secure messaging platform for effective patient communication. Moreover, it boasts of integrations with several EHR and practice management systems, allowing for seamless data synchronization across platforms.


NexHealth pricing starts from $500/month for the entire practice, not limited by user count. It includes all essential features and basic integrations.


  • Integrated scheduling and engagement tools
  • Wide range of useful integrations with EHR and PM systems
  • Pricing not based on user count, beneficial for larger practices


  • May be expensive for small practices
  • Might offer more features than needed for some clinics
  • Custom integrations may require extra costs

4. Salesforce Health Cloud - Best for robust patient management and engagement through its adaptable CRM platform

Salesforce Health Cloud patient relationship management software
This is Salesforce Health Cloud software offers a bird’s-eye view of clinical and non-clinical patient and member interactions such as encounters, prescriptions, barriers to care, and completed or outstanding care plan tasks.

Salesforce Health Cloud shines as a comprehensive patient management tool. It goes beyond a simple CRM by incorporating patient engagement, leading to improved patient experiences and practice efficiency.

Why I Picked Salesforce Health Cloud:

I selected Salesforce Health Cloud for its proven reliability and flexibility in best healthcare CRM software. The software's adaptability, powered by a robust set of features, makes it stand out. In my judgment, it stands as the "best for" practices seeking robust patient management and engagement tools on a customizable CRM platform.

Standout features & integrations:

Salesforce Health Cloud provides personalized patient journeys, care plan management, and advanced analytics. Furthermore, its integration with numerous third-party applications, including EHRs and billing software, enhances its versatility and usability.


Pricing for Salesforce Health Cloud starts from $300/user/month (billed annually), making it a premium option for healthcare practices that value robust, customizable CRM capabilities.


  • Customizable CRM to fit specific needs
  • Wide array of integrations with third-party apps
  • Advanced analytics for improved patient insights


  • High starting price may be prohibitive for smaller practices
  • Complexity may require a steep learning curve
  • Extra costs for advanced features and integrations

5. RecallMax - Best for automating patient recall process to boost retention and revenue

RecallMax patient relationship management software
Here is a screenshot of RecallMax website homepage view

RecallMax excels as a patient recall system designed specifically for the medical field. With its automation, healthcare practices can increase patient retention and, consequently, revenue.

Why I Picked RecallMax:

I picked RecallMax due to its specialization in the patient recall process, a crucial aspect of patient retention that often gets overlooked. Its focus on this niche makes it unique among other patient relationship management software. Consequently, I believe it's the best tool for practices that seek to boost patient retention and revenue through a streamlined recall process.

Standout features & integrations:

RecallMax offers a range of features including automated reminders, revenue tracking, and reporting. Furthermore, it integrates well with most practice management systems, simplifying the process of keeping track of patients due for recall.


RecallMax pricing starts from $199/month. This includes access to all of RecallMax's features and integrations, making it a cost-effective solution for many practices.


  • Automated patient recall system
  • Simple integration with practice management systems
  • Detailed reports to track success


  • Lacks the breadth of features found in more general patient relationship management systems
  • Might not be cost-effective for smaller practices
  • No free trial available

6. Virtru - Best for prioritizing patient data security with top-notch email encryption

Virtru patient relationship management software dashboard view
This is Virtru's software feature that maintain full control for emails, files, and data shared through the admin controls in the Virtru's dashboard across your entire organization.

Virtru is a tool that ensures the security of patient data by providing advanced email encryption. It is specifically designed for healthcare organizations that require robust security measures to safeguard sensitive information.

Why I Picked Virtru:

In my opinion, Virtru was a clear choice for the list due to its emphasis on patient data security. Its superior email encryption technology distinguishes it from other tools. Hence, I think Virtru is best suited for healthcare providers who prioritize the security of patient data and wish to ensure its protection through enhanced email encryption.

Standout features & integrations:

Virtru boasts of features like automatic encryption, secure file sharing, and access control. Additionally, it integrates seamlessly with platforms such as Gmail, Zendesk and Microsoft Outlook, providing users with secure email options within familiar environments.


Pricing for Virtu starts from $5/user/month. This is the basic plan price, which already includes access to Virtru's primary features.


  • Advanced email encryption for secure communications
  • Seamless integrations with popular email platforms
  • Control over who can access sensitive information


  • More comprehensive security features are available only at higher price points
  • May not be suitable for small practices due to costs
  • Requires training to understand and utilize all features effectively

7. Weave - Best for unifying patient communication, payments, and scheduling in one place

Weave patient relationship management software auto reminders
This Weave's feature is to schedule more appointments, reduce no shows and impress your customers every step of the way – all without tying up your staff’s time.

Weave is a healthcare software solution that consolidates patient communication, payments, and scheduling into one platform. This fusion of essential services is also advantageous for healthcare providers seeking to streamline their operations and offer more efficient patient services.

Why I Picked Weave:
I chose Weave due to its integration of key healthcare services in one place. It's this unification of communication, payments, and scheduling that differentiates it from other tools. Given its unique approach, Also, i find Weave ideally suited for healthcare providers who desire a single platform that simplifies these crucial aspects of their operations.

Standout features & integrations:
Noteworthy features of Weave include its comprehensive patient communication tools, online payment options, and efficient appointment scheduling capabilities. Additionally, Weave integrates seamlessly with popular practice management software like Dentrix, Eaglesoft, and Open Dental, making it an even more powerful tool.

Pricing for Weave starts from $299/user/month, making it an investment for practices looking for a comprehensive solution.


  • Centralizes communication, payments, and scheduling
  • Offers robust patient communication tools
  • Integrates with popular practice management software


  • The price may be steep for smaller practices
  • The setup process can be somewhat complex
  • Some users may find the wealth of features overwhelming at first

8. Athena Health - Best for clinical workflow optimization and electronic health record management

Athena Health patient relationship management software dashboard view
Here is a screenshot of Athena Health's vitals dashboard

Athena Health is a robust healthcare software that specializes in streamlining clinical workflows and managing electronic health records (EHR). By optimizing these aspects, Athena Health can significantly aid healthcare providers in improving patient care and operational efficiency.

Why I Picked Athena Health:
I selected Athena Health for this list due to its strong emphasis on clinical workflow optimization and comprehensive EHR management. Its ability to streamline and manage numerous aspects of healthcare provision differentiates it from many other tools on the market. I also believe Athena Health is ideally suited for healthcare providers looking to optimize their clinical workflow and manage their electronic health records effectively.

Standout features & integrations:
Notable features of Athena Health include a patient portal, appointment scheduling, medical billing, medical records and EHR. These functionalities also help in improving healthcare service delivery. Moreover, it provides integrations with various third-party applications like epocrates for clinical references and PatientPop for growth services.

The pricing for Athena Health starts from $140/user/month, which is the cost for their basic plan that covers primary services and features.


  • Optimizes clinical workflows, improving efficiency
  • Comprehensive EHR management
  • Offers a suite of integrations with third-party applications


  • Can be expensive for smaller healthcare providers
  • May require training to fully utilize its features
  • The interface can seem complex to first-time users

9. PowerDiary - Best for handling bookings, invoicing, and client records with a feature-rich interface

PowerDiary patient relationship management software calendar view
Power Diary makes your bookings easy. You can see all your practitioners at once, or one practitioner's entire week. Easily see who has confirmed their appointments.

PowerDiary is a comprehensive practice management system that allows health practitioners to manage bookings, invoicing, and client records with relative ease. It's tailored to address the core needs of medical practices, aligning with our "best for" statement, particularly for those looking for an enriched and intuitive interface.

Why I Picked PowerDiary:
I selected PowerDiary due to its emphasis on providing a wide range of necessary features in a single, user-friendly platform. It stands out because of its ability to handle various important elements of patient management without sacrificing usability. This distinct blend of simplicity and comprehensiveness is why I find PowerDiary best for handling bookings, invoicing, and client records in a feature-rich setting.

Standout features & integrations:
Some of the essential features of PowerDiary include online bookings, SMS & email reminders, client notes, and financial reporting tools. Furthermore, PowerDiary integrates well with significant payment platforms such as Stripe and Medipass, and telehealth platforms like Coviu, making it a versatile tool for modern healthcare practitioners.

PowerDiary's pricing starts at $10/user/month. The cost can vary depending on the size of the practice and the specific needs of the practitioners.


  • Provides a broad range of features
  • User-friendly interface
  • Integrates with popular payment and telehealth platforms


  • Some features may have a learning curve
  • Pricing can increase with added features
  • Some users might prefer dedicated tools for specific functions

10. RepeatMD - Best for advanced marketing solutions and retaining patients with personalized communications

RepeatMD patient relationship management software website
Here is a screenshot of RepeatMD's website homepage view

RepeatMD is a comprehensive patient marketing platform that aims to improve patient retention through targeted, personalized communications. By enabling healthcare practices to deploy advanced marketing solutions, it aligns well with our "best for" categorization, particularly for those practices seeking to enhance their patient communication and retention efforts.

Why I Picked RepeatMD:
I picked RepeatMD for its focused approach on enhancing patient engagement through advanced, targeted marketing communications. Additionally, what makes it stand apart is its capability to provide highly customizable communication methods, from email to SMS, that meet various patient preferences. I determined RepeatMD to be best for advanced marketing solutions and patient retention due to this versatile, personalized communication methodology.

Standout features & integrations:
Key features of RepeatMD include patient messaging, recall reminders, and satisfaction surveys. It also provides advanced analytics for monitoring marketing performance. Moreover, RepeatMD can be seamlessly incorporated with most popular Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, which can facilitate smooth data exchange and enhance patient management.

Pricing for RepeatMD begins at $200/user/month. This is the starting price and can vary depending on the specific needs and size of the practice.


  • Personalized communication methods for patient engagement
  • Advanced marketing analytics
  • Integrates well with popular EHR systems


  • Pricing can be high for smaller practices
  • May require a learning curve to fully utilize features
  • Limited utility for practices not heavily reliant on marketing communications

11. LeadSquared - Best for a complete CRM solution that effectively tracks the patient lifecycle

Leadsquared patient relationship management software CRM dashboard lead activity
This is a view of Leadsquared's CRM dashboard for its lead activity.

LeadSquared is a CRM solution built to provide healthcare organizations with a unified platform to manage and track their patient lifecycle effectively. The tool also combines various functions from appointment scheduling to invoicing, making it an ideal choice for healthcare providers in search of an encompassing CRM solution that supports comprehensive patient lifecycle tracking.

Why I Picked LeadSquared:
I selected LeadSquared primarily for its holistic approach towards patient lifecycle management. Unlike many CRM platforms, LeadSquared offers a diverse array of features that cater to different stages of the patient journey. The reason I consider it best for tracking patient lifecycle is its ability to handle everything from appointment scheduling to tracking patient interactions and managing invoices, all within a single platform.

Standout features & integrations:
LeadSquared offers features like appointment scheduling, lead scoring, and marketing automation, all of which contribute to effective patient lifecycle management. It also has a robust reporting system for performance tracking. Moreover, LeadSquared integrates well with various tools, including email marketing platforms, social media channels, and popular EHR systems, enhancing its utility and facilitating better data exchange.

Pricing for LeadSquared starts from $25/user/month, billed annually. It's important to note that this is the starting price, and it could vary based on the size and specific needs of the healthcare practice.


  • Comprehensive CRM solution
  • Extensive integration capabilities
  • Robust reporting system for performance tracking


  • Annual billing may not be suitable for all practices
  • May have more features than needed for smaller practices
  • Learning curve for some users due to comprehensive feature set

12. Monday Sales CRM - Best for enhancing patient relationships and sales management with a visually intuitive interface

Monday Sales CRM patient relationship management software post sales management
This is Monday Sales CRM builds lasting customer relationships once the deal is done - stay on top of client projects, collection tracking, and more.

Monday Sales CRM is a visually appealing and user-friendly platform that optimizes patient relationship and sales management for healthcare providers. Designed with a focus on usability, the tool empowers organizations to streamline their patient relationship management processes, making it especially useful for those aiming to improve patient interactions and sales tasks.

Why I Picked Monday Sales CRM:
I picked Monday Sales CRM because it stands out with its visually intuitive interface which facilitates ease of use, particularly for users who prefer a more graphical representation of their patient and sales data. Given its strong patient relationship and sales management capabilities, I believe it's best suited for healthcare providers looking to improve their interactions with patients and streamline sales tasks.

Standout features & integrations:
Key features of Monday Sales CRM include patient management, pipeline visualization, task management, and advanced analytics. These features provide valuable insights into patient behavior and enhance sales management. Monday Sales CRM integrates with a range of tools, including Gmail, Google Calendar, and Excel, which helps in streamlining operations and maintaining seamless workflows.

Monday Sales CRM offers its services starting from $8/user/month (billed annually). This is the starting price for their basic plan, and additional features and services may incur extra costs.


  • Visually intuitive interface
  • Strong patient management capabilities
  • Wide range of integrations


  • Pricing model can be complex
  • Advanced features require higher-tier plans
  • Interface may be overwhelming for first-time users

Other Patient Relationship Management Software

Below is a list of additional  patient relationship management software that I shortlisted, but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. Solutionreach - Good for enhancing communication and improving patient satisfaction
  2. Rhinogram - Good for enabling telehealth services and streamlining patient-provider interactions
  3. WebPT - Good for physical therapists seeking comprehensive practice management
  4. PatientPop - Good for boosting online presence and patient acquisition
  5. artera - Good for providing comprehensive cancer care with personalized treatment plans
  6. Legwork - Good for dental practices looking for automated marketing and patient relationship management
  7. Dental Intelligence - Good for dentists wanting actionable insights to improve practice performance
  8. intiveo - Good for automating patient communication and minimizing appointment no-shows
  9. ReferralMD - Good for managing patient referrals and streamlining clinical collaboration
  10. Nabla - Good for individual users seeking personalized healthcare advice
  11. TrackStat - Good for organizations requiring robust clinical trial management
  12. Practice by Numbers - Good for dental practices needing real-time business analytics
  13. 4baseCare - Good for oncologists seeking a genomics-based approach to cancer care
  14. CrelioHealth - Good for diagnostic labs aiming to enhance patient engagement
  15. RevenueWell - Good for dental practices aiming to optimize patient communication and marketing

Selection Criteria for Patient Relationship Management Software

In my experience, researching and testing out different patient engagement tools, certain criteria consistently stand out as most significant. I have personally tried more than 30 tools, and have distilled down the most important factors to consider when selecting the right patient engagement software for your medical practice.

Core Functionality

A good patient engagement software should:

  • Enable patient communication: This includes appointment reminders, follow-up messages, and general communication channels.
  • Support telehealth services: The tool should facilitate virtual appointments, especially in the post-pandemic era.
  • Provide patient education resources: The software should also have a repository of informational materials that can be shared with patients.
  • Allow patient feedback collection: Gathering patient reviews and feedback is crucial for service improvement.

Key Features

When considering a patient engagement software, pay attention to these features:

  • Personalized Communication: The tool should enable tailored messages based on individual patient profiles.
  • Integration Capabilities: The software should integrate seamlessly with existing systems like EHRs (Electronic Health Records).
  • Data Security: Given the sensitive nature of healthcare data, robust security features are a must.
  • Analytics: Data-driven insights can help improve patient care and identify areas of improvement.


Usability is a key aspect to consider for patient engagement software:

  • User-Friendly Interface: A tool that is easy to navigate is essential. Staff should be able to locate patient information, set reminders, and manage appointments without any hassle.
  • Easy Onboarding: The tool should have clear instructions, tutorials, or demos to facilitate user understanding.
  • Reliable Customer Support: Responsive customer service is crucial for addressing any technical issues that may arise.
  • Mobile Capability: The tool should provide a mobile application, allowing patients to interact with the service from anywhere. This enhances patient convenience, a critical factor in patient engagement.

People Also Ask

What are the benefits of using Patient Relationship Management Software?

Using a patient relationship management software can significantly enhance the delivery of care and improve operational efficiency. Here are five key benefits:

  • Improved Communication: These tools enable consistent and efficient communication with patients, from appointment reminders to health education resources.
  • Enhanced Patient Engagement: By providing various communication channels and telehealth services, patients can also actively participate in their care process.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Integrated with existing EHR systems, these tools can optimize administrative tasks like scheduling, billing, and patient record management.
  • Data Security: These software solutions prioritize patient data security, ensuring compliance with regulations like HIPAA.
  • Informed Decision Making: With robust analytics, healthcare providers can also gain insights into patient behavior and preferences, thereby driving service improvement.

How much do Patient Relationship Management tools typically cost?

The pricing of patient relationship management software can vary widely based on the features, the number of users, and the scale of operations. Some solutions offer pricing on a per-user basis, while others might charge a flat rate.

What are the pricing models for Patient Relationship Management Software?

The pricing models for these tools are usually subscription-based, with plans billed monthly or annually. Some tools also offer tiered pricing, where the cost depends on the number of features or the level of service access.

What is the typical range of pricing for these tools?

The pricing for patient relationship management tools can range from as low as $10/user/month to over $200/user/month. The cost generally correlates with the complexity and breadth of features offered by the software.

What are the cheapest and most expensive Patient Relationship Management Software?

Some of the most cost-effective options include Monday Sales CRM and LeadSquared, with starting prices around $10 and $25/user/month, respectively. On the more expensive end of the spectrum, solutions like Solutionreach and Rhinogram can exceed $200/user/month.

Are there any free options for Patient Relationship Management Software?

While completely free patient relationship management tools are rare, several software providers offer limited free trials or freemium versions of their products. However, these typically come with usage restrictions and limited feature access.

More Patient Relationship Management Software Reviews


In conclusion, choosing the right Patient Relationship Management Software requires careful consideration of your healthcare organization's specific needs. These tools can significantly streamline communication, enhance patient engagement, and improve overall operational efficiency. The right software not only provides key features such as telehealth integration and HIPAA compliance but also aligns with your budget.

Here are my three takeaways:

  1. Define Your Needs: Understand your practice's unique needs. Are you looking for advanced communication features, robust data security, or comprehensive analytics? Identifying your priorities can narrow down your options significantly.
  2. Consider Usability: A tool might have all the features you need, but if it's not user-friendly, it may not be the best fit. Look for software that offers an intuitive interface and provides good customer support.
  3. Understand the Pricing Structure: Examine the pricing models of different tools. Does the software offer per-user pricing, or is it a flat rate? Are there additional costs for extra features? Ensure you select a software that fits your budget without compromising on essential features.

Remember, the best Patient Relationship Management Software is one that suits your organization's specific needs and seamlessly integrates into your existing workflow.

What Do You Think?

While I've done my best to present the most effective patient relationship management software options available, the technology landscape is vast and continually evolving. So, if you've used or come across a tool that you think deserves a spot on this list, I'd love to hear about it. Please feel free to share your suggestions or experiences, as your input can help other readers make more informed decisions. Thank you for your contribution to this valuable discussion.

John Payne
By John Payne

John Payne is the co-founder and company director of Symphony Health. With over 20 years of management experience John is working alongside his wife, Dr. Kate Payne to build a multi-site Medical Practice where staff work collaboratively for the good of their patients. John is passionate about improving access to quality Healthcare in North Vancouver and sharing best practice with other people managing medical practices.