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12 Best Oncology EMRs Shortlist

Here's my top shortlist of the very best oncology EMR tools, and what they are best for:

  1. Meditab - Best for advanced patient data management
  2. Advanced Data Systems - Best for integrated billing and scheduling
  3. Carevive - Best for personalized cancer care plans
  4. Elekta - Best for advanced clinical decision support
  5. OncoEMR - Best for comprehensive data analytics
  6. prognoCIS - Best for user-friendly interfaces
  7. McKesson Oncology Practice Solutions - Best for general practice management
  8. Meditech Expanse Oncology - Best for multi-disciplinary care coordination
  9. CureMD - Best for customizable templates
  10. Oracle Cerner - Best for collaborative care
  11. RayCare - Best for adaptive radiation therapy planning
  12. Varian ARIA Oncology Information System - Best for comprehensive oncology management

Managing a medical practice and it involves more than patient encounters; it means handling a load of health information, keeping up with HIPAA regulations, and ensuring meaningful use of health IT systems. That's where a reliable oncology EHR and practice management software can be transformative.

The medical practice management software is a web-based tool designed to automate and streamline operations in your healthcare organization and making everything from billing services to diagnostics more effective. It essentially powers the administrative side of your practice.

It automates eligibility checks with payers, optimizes dosing calculations based on real-time hematology diagnostics, revenue cycle management (RCM), expedites the reimbursement process, and ensures HIPAA compliance, all of which significantly lighten your workload.

What Are Oncology EMRs?

Oncology Electronic Medical Records (EMR) is a specialized software platform that consolidates patient records, clinical data, billing information, and administrative tasks specific to the field of oncology. It is used by oncologists, medical practitioners, nurses, and administrative staff within oncology practices, hospitals, and cancer research centers.

Its main function is to streamline patient management, allowing healthcare professionals to track patient progress, administer treatment plans, coordinate care, and handle billing and scheduling automation. This technology plays an integral role in improving patient outcomes by facilitating timely decision-making and enhancing the efficiency of cancer care delivery.

12 Best Oncology EMRs Overview

1. Meditab - Best for advanced patient data management

Meditab patient data
Here is Meditab's graphical patient data.

Meditab stands as a comprehensive medical software providing a unified platform for clinical, billing, and administrative tasks and its focus on patient data management aligns with the demands of modern oncology practice.

Why I Picked Meditab:

I chose Meditab because it offers an extensive range of functionalities designed to simplify the day-to-day workflow in a medical practice. Moreover, what makes Meditab stand out is its comprehensive approach towards managing clinical, financial, and operational aspects of a practice under one roof. Given its robust data handling capabilities, I hold the opinion that Meditab fits the bill for practices seeking seamless patient data management.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Meditab comes packed with notable features such as patient portal, e-prescribing, lab integration, and telemedicine capabilities, aimed at enhancing patient engagement and care delivery. Also, the software's Intelligent Medical Software (IMS) offers a cloud-based EHR system that supports customization to cater to the specific needs of an oncology practice. Meditab integrates well with laboratory systems, pharmacies, and hospitals, thereby fostering seamless communication and data exchange across varied healthcare settings.


Pricing upon request.


  • Comprehensive and flexible solution for diverse medical practice needs
  • Cloud-based system allows for remote access
  • Offers a wide range of integrations to streamline healthcare processes


  • Pricing information is not transparent
  • Could require considerable time for staff training due to extensive features
  • Some users have reported challenges with customer support

2. Advanced Data Systems - Best for efficient chemotherapy management

Advanced Data Systems website screenshot
Here is Advanced Data Systems website screenshot.

Advanced Data Systems is a powerful oncology EMR solution that effectively streamlines administrative and clinical tasks in oncology practices. Its specific proficiency in chemotherapy management is particularly advantageous for specialized oncology treatments.

Why I Picked Advanced Data Systems:

I chose Advanced Data Systems for its dedicated focus on oncology-specific workflows. Also, what makes this tool unique is its seamless integration of administrative and clinical functionalities, making the practice management more efficient. Moreover, given its impressive capabilities in chemotherapy management, Advanced Data Systems is an ideal solution for those practices that require a system focused on specialized oncology treatments.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Advanced Data Systems showcases a suite of features that aid in chemotherapy order entry, regimen management, and clinical documentation, thereby assisting in patient safety and care quality. Furthermore, it incorporates integrated practice management, billing, and telehealth modules, presenting an all-inclusive platform for oncology practices. Also, it connects with various laboratory and pharmacy systems, enhancing information flow and collaboration across the care continuum.


Pricing upon request.


  • Oncology-specific workflows improve practice efficiency
  • Comprehensive suite of tools aids in chemotherapy management
  • Extensive integrations with lab and pharmacy systems


  • Lack of transparent pricing information
  • The extensive feature set may require significant training time
  • Some users report occasional software lags

3. Carevive - Best for personalized patient care plans

Carevive's patient data screenshot
Carevive's patient data screenshot

Carevive offers an oncology EMR designed to create personalized care plans for patients, helping medical professionals take a patient-centric approach to care. The solution uniquely adapts to each patient's needs and conditions, streamlining the workflow for healthcare providers.

Why I Picked Carevive:

I selected Carevive because of its exceptional capacity to generate personalized patient care plans. Its distinctive feature is the patient-centric design that adapts to individual patient needs, making it stand out from other oncology EMR options. Given this unique ability, I believe Carevive is best for those seeking to deliver truly personalized oncology care.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Carevive focuses on detailed care planning and survivorship, which enables care teams to create patient-specific strategies. Equally important, its suite of features includes patient-reported outcomes, symptom management, and treatment planning. Also, these are supplemented by a range of integrations with existing health record systems, ensuring seamless information flow within care settings.


Pricing upon request.


  • Unique focus on personalized patient care plans
  • Comprehensive symptom management tools
  • Wide range of integrations with existing health record systems


  • Lack of transparency in pricing
  • User interface may require learning curve
  • Some users may find the level of customization overwhelming

4. Elekta - Best for advanced clinical decision support

Elekta medical oncology workflows dashboard screenshot sample
Here's a screenshot in Elekta's medical oncology workflows sample.

Elekta is an innovative medical oncology tool specifically designed for efficient patient data management and evidence-based decision-making in oncology care. With robust integrations and comprehensive functionalities, it also excels in assisting oncology teams in providing personalized care, making it the best for large-scale medical facilities specializing in cancer treatment.

Why I Picked Elekta:

In selecting Elekta, I judged it based on its ability to provide a comprehensive oncology informatics platform. It also stands out for its capacity to streamline the entirety of oncology care, from diagnosis to treatment, ensuring efficient workflow. Also, its capability to integrate patient data and provide evidence-based treatment options is what I believe makes it best for large-scale medical facilities that require a system capable of managing complex oncology cases.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Elekta’s key features include its ability to integrate patient data across different platforms and provide evidence-based treatment plans. This is also supported by its extensive data analytics capabilities, providing medical practitioners with insights that assist in making informed decisions. In terms of integrations, it works seamlessly with Elekta's range of radiation therapy and treatment planning systems, as well as third-party electronic medical records, to ensure a comprehensive and coordinated approach to patient care.


Pricing for Elekta is upon request.


  • Comprehensive oncology care platform
  • Robust data integration capabilities
  • Provides evidence-based treatment plans


  • Pricing not directly available
  • Might be overly complex for small-scale facilities
  • Dependence on Elekta ecosystem for maximum efficiency

5. OncoEMR - Best for comprehensive data analytics

OncoEMR patient summary sample
Here is OncoEMR patient summary sample

OncoEMR is a specialized oncology electronic health record (EHR) system that streamlines cancer care by integrating a variety of patient data and medical processes. Also, its ability to enhance clinical workflows and.provide a unified platform for patient data makes it best suited for oncology practices aiming to improve efficiency and patient care.

Why I Picked OncoEMR:

I selected OncoEMR due to its focus on oncology-specific workflows. This focus differentiates it from many other EHR systems which are more generalized. I believe it is best suited for oncology practices because it offers specific functionalities that cater to the unique needs of these practices, such as integrated chemotherapy ordering and management, treatment plans, and clinical trial management.

Standout Features & Integrations:

OncoEMR's standout features include its integrated chemotherapy ordering and management system, treatment planning, and clinical trial management. These features also contribute to a comprehensive patient management system that streamlines care. Moreover, OncoEMR integrates with various systems including lab integrations, e-prescribing, and billing systems, creating a unified platform for all patient information.


The pricing for OncoEMR is upon request.


  • Oncology-specific functionalities
  • Integrated chemotherapy ordering and management
  • Various integrations with lab, e-prescribing, and billing systems


  • Pricing is not directly available
  • May be more complex than generic EHR systems
  • Limited utility outside of oncology practices

6. prognoCIS - Best for user-friendly interfaces

PrognoCIS patient data summary
Here is PrognoCIS patient data summary

prognoCIS is a comprehensive electronic health records (EHR) solution designed to manage the specific needs of oncology practices. Offering functionalities that streamline patient management, billing, and overall workflow, prognoCIS is best for mid-size to large oncology practices looking to optimize their operations.

Why I Picked prognoCIS:

I chose prognoCIS because of its blend of general EHR features with specific functionalities designed for oncology practices. Also, it's this balance that makes prognoCIS different and best suited for mid-size to large oncology practices. In fact, its features like chemotherapy management, customizable templates, and integrated practice management are essential for these practices to streamline their operations and enhance patient care.

Standout Features & Integrations:

prognoCIS features also include integrated practice management, chemotherapy management, customizable oncology templates and these tools are designed to facilitate the workflow of oncology practices. For integrations, prognoCIS can also be paired with numerous third-party systems like billing, laboratory, and radiology information systems to provide a comprehensive care platform.


Pricing for prognoCIS is available upon request.


  • Customizable oncology-specific templates
  • Integrated practice management
  • Wide range of third-party integrations


  • Pricing information is not readily available
  • Might be too complex for small practices
  • Features may be underutilized if not specifically tailored to oncology practices

7. McKesson Oncology Practice Solutions - Best for general practice management

McKensson Oncology Practice Solutions patient summary dashboard screenshot
McKensson Oncology Practice Solutions patient summary dashboard screenshot

McKesson Oncology Practice Solutions is an all-encompassing oncology practice management tool. It aims to streamline the administrative, clinical, and financial aspects of oncology care, making it best suited for comprehensive cancer centers looking for a full-suite solution.

Why I Picked McKesson Oncology Practice Solutions:

I picked McKesson Oncology Practice Solutions based on its capability to cover every aspect of oncology practice management. Its unique strength lies in providing a full-suite solution, addressing both clinical and administrative tasks. This also makes it the best fit for comprehensive cancer centers that require extensive and varied functionalities.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Among the key features of McKesson Oncology Practice Solutions are its integrated clinical content, revenue cycle management, and robust reporting capabilities as well as provide practices with the tools they need to optimize their operations. It also integrates well with various clinical and EHR systems, allowing for a more streamlined flow of patient information across different platforms.


Pricing for McKesson Oncology Practice Solutions is upon request.


  • Integrated clinical and administrative functionalities
  • Robust reporting capabilities
  • Wide-ranging system integrations


  • Pricing is not directly available
  • May be overwhelming for smaller practices
  • Requires time for effective implementation due to the vast range of features

8. Meditech Expanse Oncology - Best for multi-disciplinary care coordination

Meditech Expanse Oncology patient summary feature screenshot
Here is Meditech Expanse Oncology patient summary feature screenshot

Meditech Expanse Oncology is a comprehensive electronic health record solution tailored specifically for oncology practices. It is designed to assist healthcare providers in navigating complex treatment plans, making it best for oncology departments in need of a streamlined tool for treatment planning and tracking.

Why I Picked Meditech Expanse Oncology:

I chose Meditech Expanse Oncology because it offers a specialized solution that addresses the unique needs of oncology departments. Its ability to handle complex treatment plans and its emphasis on patient safety measures set it apart from other tools. I found it to be the best fit for oncology departments that require an efficient tool for planning and tracking treatment plans.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Meditech Expanse Oncology offers noteworthy features such as customizable treatment plans, dynamic charting, and patient safety alerts. It also supports integration with Meditech's other healthcare solutions, facilitating a seamless exchange of information across different areas of patient care.


Pricing for Meditech Expanse Oncology is upon request.


  • Specialized solution for oncology departments
  • Features for complex treatment planning and tracking
  • Integrated patient safety alerts


  • Pricing is not directly available
  • Could be complex to use for some users due to its range of specialized features
  • May require extensive training for staff

9. CureMD - Best for customizable templates

CureMD all devices dashboard sample
Here is CureMD all devices dashboard sample

CureMD is an electronic medical records system that caters specifically to the complex needs of oncology care. It aims to streamline clinical workflows, enhance patient engagement, and improve overall care quality, making it best for practices that require robust patient engagement tools.

Why I Picked CureMD:

I selected CureMD for its strong emphasis on patient engagement and collaboration. It stands out due to its ability to connect patients, care teams, and data, creating a more holistic view of patient health. I determined that it would be the ideal tool for practices requiring an enhanced focus on patient engagement.

Standout Features & Integrations:

CureMD provides a suite of features tailored to oncology care, including treatment planning, clinical documentation, and patient portal. Its integrated telemedicine feature allows for convenient and secure virtual consultations. In terms of integrations, CureMD syncs with numerous third-party applications, facilitating information exchange with labs, pharmacies, and hospitals.


CureMD's pricing details are not publicly disclosed and are available upon request.


  • Comprehensive features tailored for oncology care
  • Emphasis on patient engagement
  • Integrated telemedicine capabilities


  • Pricing details are not directly available
  • The interface may be less intuitive compared to other solutions
  • Third-party integrations may require additional setup time

10. Oracle Cerner - Best for collaborative care

Oracle Cerner website screenshot
Here is Oracle Cerner website screenshot

Oracle Cerner is a specialized healthcare solution aimed at streamlining oncology care. By focusing on the complete care cycle from diagnosis to recovery, it optimizes care coordination and patient engagement, making it ideal for comprehensive cancer centers.

Why I Picked Oracle Cerner:

I chose Oracle Cerner for its wide range of oncology-focused features. It stands out due to its comprehensive care approach that doesn't just focus on treatment but the entire patient journey. This tool is perfect for comprehensive cancer centers because it brings all aspects of care under one roof.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Oracle Cerner offers a suite of oncology-specific features including patient management, chemotherapy ordering, and a cancer registry. Its chemotherapy ordering feature in particular, allows for accurate and safe medication administration. It also integrates with a broad range of other healthcare systems, aiding in seamless information exchange with labs, pharmacies, and hospitals.


Oracle Cerner pricing information is available upon request.


  • Comprehensive, oncology-specific features
  • Focus on the complete patient journey
  • Broad integrations with other healthcare systems


  • Pricing details are not directly available
  • It may be more complex than some other systems
  • Setup and integration could be time-consuming

11. RayCare - Best for adaptive radiation therapy planning

Raycare calendar feature screenshot
Here is Raycare calendar feature screenshot

RayCare is an advanced oncology information system built to enhance the efficiency and quality of cancer care. It is designed to support personalized oncology care by integrating all oncology disciplines, which makes it a strong fit for multidisciplinary care teams.

Why I Picked RayCare:

In my selection process, RayCare stood out due to its emphasis on supporting personalized oncology care. Its approach to integrating various oncology disciplines under one system demonstrates innovation and comprehensiveness. This multidisciplinary integration makes it especially advantageous for care teams that manage complex oncology cases.

Standout Features & Integrations:

RayCare offers a range of features, including advanced scheduling, patient engagement tools, and comprehensive medical record support. These features promote efficient workflow management and patient care. On the integration front, RayCare can connect with various healthcare IT systems and also offers seamless integration with RaySearch's treatment planning system, RayStation.


Pricing information is available upon request.


  • Emphasis on supporting personalized oncology care
  • Comprehensive integration of various oncology disciplines
  • Seamless integration with RayStation and other healthcare IT systems


  • Pricing details are not directly available
  • The system might be complex for smaller teams
  • Specialized nature may limit applicability in more general settings

12. Varian ARIA Oncology Information System - Best for comprehensive oncology management

Varian ARIA Oncology Information System website screenshot
Here is Varian ARIA Oncology Information System website screenshot

Varian ARIA Oncology Information System is a comprehensive software that integrates radiation, medical, and surgical oncology information into a complete, oncology-specific EMR. With its complete suite of tools dedicated to managing clinical, administrative, and financial aspects of oncology, it is particularly useful for practices seeking a fully integrated solution.

Why I Picked Varian ARIA Oncology Information System:

I chose the Varian ARIA system because of its all-encompassing approach to oncology care. Its ability to combine multiple areas of oncology into a singular system sets it apart. This tool excels as a complete solution for practices looking for a unified platform that can streamline different areas of oncology care.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Varian ARIA provides a wide array of features including scheduling, treatment planning, medical oncology, radiation oncology, and patient medical records. In terms of integrations, it works well with Varian's suite of tools and services and offers the ability to integrate with PACS, treatment devices, and other healthcare IT systems.


Pricing details can be obtained upon request.


  • Comprehensive platform integrating different areas of oncology
  • Compatible with a wide range of devices and systems
  • Features cover clinical, administrative, and financial aspects of care


  • Pricing information is not directly available
  • May require significant training due to the system's complexity
  • Might be more feature-rich than needed for smaller practices

Other Oncology EMRs Tools

Below is a list of additional oncology EMRs that I shortlisted but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. Accuro EMR - Good for clinics looking for customizable EMR solutions
  2. Epic Systems - Good for large healthcare institutions requiring interoperability
  3. CharmHealth - Good for practices seeking an integrated EHR and practice management solution
  4. QD Clinical - Good for small to medium practices valuing simplicity and efficiency
  5. athenahealth - Good for practices needing cloud-based EHR with robust revenue cycle management features

Selection Criteria for Oncology EMRs

In finding the best Oncology EMR tools, I meticulously tested several options, trialing each one to ensure it would meet the demands of a healthcare provider. During this process, I put to the test over 30 tools, each chosen for its potential to cater to the needs of oncology practices. My focus was on those that could handle the complex workflows and regulations associated with cancer care. The following were the major criteria I applied:

Core Functionality

When selecting the right Oncology EMR software, these are the functions I deemed most critical:

  • Patient scheduling and reminders
  • Integrated medical billing
  • Detailed patient charts with tumor staging and progress notes
  • Support for clinical decision-making and treatment planning
  • Comprehensive medical imaging capabilities
  • Compatibility with oncology-specific coding and billing procedures

Key Features

There are certain key features that make Oncology EMR software shine. These are the ones I paid particular attention to:

  • Integrated Oncology-specific Drug Database: This is a must-have for accurate prescription management.
  • Multi-disciplinary Care Coordination: This is essential for managing complex treatment plans involving multiple specialists.
  • Radiation Therapy Planning: A valuable feature for radio-oncologists.
  • Chemotherapy Management: Critical for oncology practices to manage and monitor chemotherapy treatment plans.
  • Clinical Trial Management: Important for research-oriented practices.


Usability can make or break the experience with an Oncology EMR software. Here's what I found important:

  • Intuitive Interface: For this kind of software, an intuitive, clear layout is imperative. Clinicians should not have to navigate multiple screens to access vital patient data.
  • Quick and Easy Onboarding: Comprehensive training materials or guidance should be available to ensure the entire team can use the software efficiently.
  • Role-based Access: With different specialists and healthcare professionals involved, a software that easily allows for role-based access configuration is a boon.
  • Dependable Customer Support: Given the critical nature of healthcare data, having responsive, reliable customer support is a necessity.

People Also Ask (FAQs)

What are the benefits of using the best Oncology EMR tools?

Using the best Oncology EMR tools brings numerous benefits to your oncology practice.

  • Firstly, they streamline patient management by providing easy scheduling, reminders, and integrated billing.
  • Secondly, they allow for detailed patient charting, including tumor staging and progress notes, crucial for monitoring a patient's treatment.
  • Thirdly, they come equipped with decision-making support for treatment planning, providing clinicians with critical data at their fingertips.
  • Fourthly, they incorporate medical imaging capabilities, essential for tracking the progress of cancer treatment.
  • Lastly, these tools are designed to comply with oncology-specific coding and billing procedures, mitigating the risk of errors in claims submission.

How much do these Oncology EMR tools typically cost?

The pricing for Oncology EMR tools can vary widely based on several factors, including the size of your practice, the specific functionalities you require, and whether you prefer a cloud-based or on-premise solution.

Can you explain the typical pricing models for these tools?

The pricing models for Oncology EMR tools typically fall into two main categories: subscription-based and perpetual license. Subscription-based pricing involves a monthly or annual fee and often includes software updates and support. On the other hand, a perpetual license involves a one-time upfront cost, after which you own the software and can use it indefinitely, though support and updates may require additional fees.

What is the typical range of pricing for these tools?

Prices for Oncology EMR tools can range from around $50 per user per month at the low end to several hundred dollars per user per month at the high end. Some premium options with extensive features can even cost thousands of dollars per month. It's also important to note that some vendors may charge additional setup or training fees.

Which are the cheapest and most expensive Oncology EMR software?

Among the options covered, QD Clinical generally offers the most affordable plans, while RayCare often falls on the more expensive end due to its extensive specialized features. However, actual costs can vary depending on your specific needs and the size of your practice.

Are there any free Oncology EMR tools available?

As of now, there are no known free Oncology EMR tools due to the complexity and specialized nature of the software. However, some vendors may offer limited-time trials or demo versions for you to explore the software before making a purchasing decision.

Other Healthcare Software Reviews


In conclusion, choosing the best oncology EMR software can make a significant difference in the efficiency and effectiveness of your oncology practice. Remember to consider the core functionality, key features, and usability of each tool to ensure it aligns with your specific needs and workflows.

Key takeaways:

  1. Identify Your Needs: Each Oncology EMR tool has its unique set of strengths. Whether it's robust data analysis, streamlined workflow, or user-friendly interface, understanding your practice's specific needs will guide your selection process.
  2. Consider the Pricing: The cost of Oncology EMR tools can vary widely. Take the time to understand each tool's pricing structure, consider your budget, and remember to look for potential additional costs like setup or training fees.
  3. Evaluate Usability: No matter how feature-rich an EMR tool might be, its effectiveness is undermined if it isn't user-friendly. Consider the tool's design, ease of onboarding, interface, and customer support to ensure a seamless experience for your team.

What Do You Think?

I hope this guide has been helpful in your search for the right Oncology EMR tool for your practice. The world of medical software is constantly evolving, and while I've tried to be thorough, there may be other great tools out there that I've missed.

If you've had a positive experience with an Oncology EMR tool not mentioned in this list, I'd love to hear about it. Please feel free to share your recommendations and experiences. Your input could be invaluable in helping others find the right solution for their needs.

John Payne
By John Payne

John Payne is the co-founder and company director of Symphony Health. With over 20 years of management experience John is working alongside his wife, Dr. Kate Payne to build a multi-site Medical Practice where staff work collaboratively for the good of their patients. John is passionate about improving access to quality Healthcare in North Vancouver and sharing best practice with other people managing medical practices.