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12 Best Nurse Scheduling Software Shortlist

After meticulous evaluation, I've shortlisted the top 12 nurse scheduling software that will effectively address your clinic's scheduling challenges. Ready to revolutionize your workflow?

  1. Deputy - Best for enhancing team communication through a unified platform
  2. Shiftboard - Best for managing large, complex workforce schedules
  3. Rotageek - Best for optimizing staffing with AI-powered scheduling
  4. TCP Software - Best for integrating with existing HR systems seamlessly
  5. eSchedule - Best for streamlining operations with custom automation features
  6. Sling - Best for simplified shift planning and time tracking
  7. NurseGrid - Best for fostering nurse engagement and work-life balance
  8. ScheduleAnywhere - Best for remote access to schedules across multiple devices
  9. OnShift - Best for addressing staffing challenges and reducing labor costs
  10. Skedulo - Best for facilitating mobile workforce management
  11. Schedule360 - Best for advanced configurability and scalability options
  12. ShiftWizard - Best for reducing overtime with efficient labor management

As someone deeply involved in the healthcare sector, I've come to appreciate the value of efficient scheduling, and I've found a lifesaver in medical practice management software. This cloud-based tool stands out with its flexibility and certifications, providing healthcare providers with a seamless platform for managing schedule changes, self-scheduling, and time-off requests, eliminating the hassles of traditional spreadsheets, timesheets, and rigid templates.

The software caters to diverse scenarios from managing the work schedule for a large medical facility to the employee shift requirements of long-term care providers. Moreover, it's Android compatible, adding to the convenience for staff members to track time and attendance on the. So, if you're in search of a reliable solution, I'd highly recommend considering this cloud-based medical practice management software. Trust me, it's a game-changer.

What Is a Nurse Scheduling Software?

Nurse scheduling software is a technological solution designed to streamline the process of planning and managing the work shifts of nursing staff in healthcare settings. Used predominantly by nurse managers, schedulers, and administrators, its core function is to facilitate efficient distribution and allocation of nursing hours across varying shifts, ensuring optimal staffing levels.

With a strong focus on optimizing operations and enhancing staff retention, this scheduling app brings about a transformative change in healthcare practice management. It does more than just ease schedule management; it enhances the productivity of healthcare professionals, and thereby, improves patient care. The main pain points it addresses are inefficiencies, errors, and time consumption related to traditional scheduling methods.

12 Best Nurse Scheduling Software Overviews

1. Deputy - Best for enhancing team communication through a unified platform

Deputy's scheduling feature
Deputy's scheduling feature screenshot.

Deputy, as a comprehensive nurse scheduling software, is designed to simplify workforce management and enhance team communication. It facilitates communication within a unified platform, making it the go-to solution for healthcare settings that prioritize smooth and effective interaction among staff.

Why I Picked Deputy:

Deputy caught my eye as an impressive scheduling tool that goes beyond just slotting shifts. Its commitment to fostering communication in healthcare teams through its platform made it stand out. Given the often frantic and high-stakes environment in healthcare, facilitating seamless communication between team members can significantly boost efficiency and morale.

This is precisely why I chose Deputy - it recognizes and addresses this often overlooked aspect of nurse scheduling.

Standout Features & Integrations:

With Deputy, not only can you create and share schedules easily, but you can also manage leave requests, track time and attendance, and even share instant updates with your team. The real-time communication feature makes it an ideal tool for nursing teams that need to stay connected and informed.

Key integrations include payroll systems like ADP and Gusto, HR platforms like BambooHR, and point-of-sale systems like Square and Vend.


Pricing starts from $2.50/user/month, which includes the basic scheduling and communication tools. For access to the full suite of features, including time and attendance tracking, it’s $4.50/user/month (billed annually).


  • Robust communication tools to ensure effective team coordination
  • Easy-to-use interface that simplifies scheduling tasks
  • Broad range of integrations with popular payroll and HR systems


  • Advanced features are only available at a higher price tier
  • Limited customizability in comparison to some other tools on this list
  • Customer support can sometimes be slow to respond

2. Shiftboard - Best for managing large, complex workforce schedules

Shiftboard all device dashboard sample
Here's an overview of Shiftboard's all-device screenshot showing the published schedule dashboard.

Shiftboard is a robust nurse scheduling software designed to handle the complexities of large workforce schedules. It expertly accommodates intricate rotations, variable shifts, and diverse skill sets, making it an optimal choice for larger healthcare institutions or settings with complex staffing needs.

Why I Picked Shiftboard:

When selecting this tool, I appreciated Shiftboard's exceptional handling of large, intricate workforce schedules. Compared to other options, it effectively stands out for its ability to seamlessly manage and navigate complexity.

I firmly believe that Shiftboard is "Best for managing large, complex workforce schedules" due to its comprehensive scheduling capabilities, robust features, and adaptability to diverse staffing requirements.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Shiftboard shines with its dynamic scheduling capabilities, including its ability to auto-generate schedules, manage overtime, and facilitate quick shift trades. Its demand-based scheduling is a major boon for large teams with variable staffing needs.

As for integrations, Shiftboard offers excellent compatibility with a wide range of systems. Key integrations include HR and payroll systems like ADP and Quickbooks, enhancing the end-to-end management of your workforce.


Shiftboard pricing starts from $45/user/month, reflecting its comprehensive suite of advanced scheduling features. It's a premium solution designed to cater to the demands of large-scale workforce management.


  • Exceptional at managing complex staffing needs
  • Integrates smoothly with HR and payroll systems
  • Advanced scheduling features enhance efficiency


  • Higher starting price compared to some alternatives
  • Some features may be excessive for smaller healthcare settings
  • The user interface may require some learning for optimal utilization

3. Rotageek - Best for optimizing staffing with AI-powered scheduling

Rotageek nurse scheduling software
Rotageek's scheduling feature screenshot

Rotageek leverages AI to optimize scheduling, leading to efficient, data-driven staffing decisions. This cutting-edge solution goes beyond basic scheduling, transforming staffing into a strategic advantage for healthcare organizations.

Why I Picked Rotageek:

I chose Rotageek for its forward-thinking approach to nurse scheduling. The application of AI in creating efficient rosters is a standout aspect that sets it apart from other solutions. Rotageek is best for optimizing staffing with AI-powered scheduling, providing predictive, intelligent, and adaptable solutions for workforce management.

Standout Features & Integrations:

With features like demand forecasting, automated rota creation, and shift swapping, Rotageek creates schedules that reflect actual needs while promoting staff satisfaction. This AI-powered approach enables organizations to foresee demand and staff accordingly.

Integrations are crucial for a seamless experience, and Rotageek syncs with numerous third-party software. It integrates smoothly with payroll, HR, and even employee self-service portals for a truly cohesive approach to staff management.


Rotageek pricing begins at $10/user/month. The additional cost compared to simpler solutions reflects the sophisticated, AI-driven functionality that Rotageek provides.


  • AI-powered scheduling maximizes efficiency
  • Demand forecasting anticipates staffing needs
  • Smooth integration with payroll and HR software


  • Higher starting price might be a barrier for some
  • Might be more than needed for small healthcare organizations
  • Potential learning curve due to advanced features

4. TCP Software - Best for integrating with existing HR systems seamlessly

TCP Software dashboard sample
An overview dashboard screenshot in TCP Software

TCP Software is a nurse scheduling tool that emphasizes easy integration with your existing HR systems. This software makes scheduling a natural part of your HR workflow, thus minimizing disruptions and increasing efficiency.

Why I Picked TCP Software:

I chose TCP Software due to its exceptional compatibility with existing HR systems. This software stands out because it emphasizes smooth integration, ensuring your scheduling solution works in harmony with your other HR tools. For this reason, I believe TCP Software is best for those looking to integrate a new scheduling system without causing major shifts in their existing HR workflow.

Standout Features & Integrations:

TCP Software offers a variety of features, including time-off management, overtime monitoring, and advanced reporting, which help to streamline scheduling processes. It also provides an easy-to-use mobile app, giving staff the freedom to manage their schedules from anywhere.

When it comes to integrations, TCP Software integrates effortlessly with most existing HR systems, making it an excellent choice for organizations looking to enhance their HR workflow without disruption.


Pricing for TCP Software starts from $15/user/month, reflecting the software's premium integration capabilities and comprehensive feature set.


  • Seamless integration with existing HR systems
  • Comprehensive set of scheduling features
  • Mobile app provides flexibility for staff


  • Higher starting price may deter smaller organizations
  • Might be overkill for small teams with simple scheduling needs
  • Lack of AI-based features compared to some other options

5. eSchedule - Best for streamlining operations with custom automation features

eSchedule home page view
Here's a screenshot homepage of eSchedule website.

eSchedule is a scheduling software solution that focuses on enhancing operations through customizable automation features. With its ability to automate processes, this software takes over many tasks, enabling managers to concentrate on more pressing matters.

Why I Picked eSchedule:

I selected eSchedule for this list due to its focus on customized automation features. Compared to many other tools, eSchedule distinguishes itself with its capacity to tailor automated scheduling processes to fit unique organizational needs. I believe eSchedule is best for businesses wanting to streamline their operations with custom automation.

Standout Features & Integrations:

eSchedule is packed with features that prioritize efficiency and convenience, such as labor forecasting, time-off management, and reporting tools. The custom automation feature is a standout, allowing organizations to tailor the software to their specific scheduling needs.

As for integrations, eSchedule offers compatibility with a variety of external software, including payroll systems and human resources management systems, thus ensuring a harmonious workflow.


eSchedule's pricing begins from $10/user/month. Please note, there is a minimum of 10 seats, making this solution best suited for medium to large organizations.


  • Customizable automation features boost efficiency
  • Compatibility with payroll and HR systems
  • Extensive feature set, including labor forecasting and reporting


  • Not ideal for small organizations due to the minimum seat requirement
  • The interface may seem complex for users new to scheduling software
  • Lacks some of the advanced AI-based features found in competitors

6. Sling - Best for simplified shift planning and time tracking

Sling nurse scheduling software
Take a look at Sling's scheduling feature.

Sling is a workforce management software that centralizes scheduling, time tracking, and employee coordination. Designed with ease of use in mind, it simplifies shift planning and time tracking, making it an excellent tool for businesses wanting to manage these tasks efficiently.

Why I Picked Sling:

Sling captured my attention with its focus on simplicity and ease of use in shift planning and time tracking. Its clean, intuitive interface sets it apart from other scheduling tools that can often seem overwhelming. I selected Sling as the best tool for simplified shift planning and time tracking due to its user-friendly design and focus on these core features.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Sling offers a robust set of features, including a built-in time clock, employee availability settings, and an efficient shift planning module. The time tracking component is particularly useful, allowing managers to monitor work hours and overtime accurately.

When it comes to integrations, Sling can be paired with multiple payroll software platforms to ensure a smooth transition from scheduling and time tracking to payroll processing.


Pricing for Sling starts from $2/user/month (billed annually). This is the starting cost for their paid plans, excluding the free option which offers basic scheduling functions.


  • User-friendly interface makes shift planning and time tracking simple
  • Built-in time clock with overtime monitoring
  • Effective integration with payroll software


  • The annual billing cycle may not be preferable for all businesses
  • Lacks some of the advanced customization options found in competitors
  • The free plan is fairly limited, necessitating an upgrade for more comprehensive needs

7. NurseGrid - Best for fostering nurse engagement and work-life balance

NurseGrid dashboard sample
NurseGrid's screenshot shows the schedules and real-time dashboard.

NurseGrid is a specialized scheduling tool designed specifically for nursing teams. By addressing unique challenges in the nursing field, this platform assists in maintaining work-life balance and enhancing engagement, a crucial aspect in such a demanding profession.

Why I Picked NurseGrid:

In choosing NurseGrid, I considered its unique focus on the nursing profession. It is distinguished by its understanding of the specific needs of nurses and their schedules. I determined that NurseGrid is the best tool for fostering nurse engagement and work-life balance, due to its robust features tailored specifically to these individuals' unique needs.

Standout Features & Integrations:

NurseGrid provides critical features such as shift swapping, group messaging, and credential tracking, all crucial for nursing teams. Its ability to allow peer-to-peer shift swaps empowers nurses with flexibility in their schedules.

In terms of integrations, NurseGrid integrates with major healthcare systems to ensure a cohesive flow of scheduling data, which is essential for the seamless management of staff schedules.


NurseGrid's pricing is available upon request. As it is designed for healthcare facilities, the pricing model depends on the specific needs and size of the team.


  • Specialized for nursing, addressing unique needs and challenges in the profession
  • Peer-to-peer shift swapping fosters flexibility and control over schedule
  • Integration with major healthcare systems ensures seamless scheduling management


  • Pricing is not transparent and must be requested
  • Being specialized for nursing, it might not be as useful for other professions
  • The absence of a free version may deter smaller nursing teams or individuals from using the platform

8. ScheduleAnywhere - Best for remote access to schedules across multiple devices

ScheduleAnywhere scheduling software
A screenshot in ScheduleAnywhere where employees' schedule can be seen.

ScheduleAnywhere is a scheduling solution that provides accessible and easy-to-use features for scheduling staff across various industries. Its capacity to offer remote access to schedules across multiple devices underpins its capability to cater to modern, agile workplaces where mobility and flexibility are vital.

Why I Picked ScheduleAnywhere:

I picked ScheduleAnywhere for its robust mobile compatibility. This tool stands out because it allows employees and managers to access schedules on the go, which I found extremely important in today's dynamic work environments. In my judgment, ScheduleAnywhere is the best for enabling remote access to schedules across multiple devices.

Standout Features & Integrations:

ScheduleAnywhere offers vital features such as shift rotations, schedule copying, and multi-view options for different locations and departments. Additionally, mobile compatibility is an essential feature that facilitates remote access to schedules.

The tool provides essential integrations with payroll systems, which greatly simplifies the process of accounting for employee hours and overtime.


Pricing for ScheduleAnywhere starts from $25/month (billed annually). This cost may vary depending on the size and specific needs of the team.


  • Mobile compatibility enables access to schedules on the go
  • Integration with payroll systems aids in accounting for employee hours
  • Features like schedule copying and shift rotations add convenience


  • Higher price point may not be ideal for smaller organizations
  • Lack of a free version could deter potential users
  • The user interface might seem outdated compared to other modern scheduling tools

9. OnShift - Best for addressing staffing challenges and reducing labor costs

OnShift scheduling dashboard sample
OnShift's scheduling dashboard view

OnShift is a human capital management software designed specifically for the healthcare industry, offering an array of features that address common staffing challenges and help reduce labor costs. It caters to organizations that deal with high employee turnover rates and those looking to maintain staffing levels while managing expenses.

Why I Picked OnShift:

I chose OnShift for its industry-specific approach to staffing challenges. It stands out for its attention to factors that particularly impact the healthcare industry, such as high turnover and fluctuating demand. Based on my analysis and comparisons, I determined that OnShift is best for addressing staffing challenges and reducing labor costs, thanks to its predictive and proactive management features.

Standout Features & Integrations:

OnShift provides notable features like predictive scheduling, employee engagement tools, and a recruitment platform to ensure staffing needs are met efficiently. It also offers proactive overtime control to manage labor costs effectively.

OnShift integrates with a range of payroll and HR systems, making it a versatile solution that can adapt to various administrative structures.


Pricing information for OnShift is not readily available and would require contacting the provider directly. Thus, it falls under "Pricing upon request".


  • Predictive scheduling and proactive overtime control for cost-effectiveness
  • Employee engagement tools for improved morale and reduced turnover
  • Offers integrations with multiple payroll and HR systems


  • Lack of transparent pricing information may deter potential users
  • The industry-specific approach might limit its applicability to non-healthcare industries
  • The user interface might require a learning curve for those unfamiliar with such systems

10. Skedulo - Best for facilitating mobile workforce management

Skedulo analytics dashboard

Skedulo is a scheduling software designed to streamline mobile workforce management. It provides businesses with comprehensive tools to schedule, track, and manage their on-the-go employees, making it well-suited for industries reliant on field operations.

Why I Picked Skedulo:

In reviewing various scheduling tools, I picked Skedulo for its robust focus on mobile workforce management. Compared to other options, it provides specific features that cater to field operations, such as location-based scheduling and mobile job tracking.

I determined Skedulo to be best for facilitating mobile workforce management due to its comprehensive approach to mobile work coordination.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Key features of Skedulo include location-based scheduling, real-time visibility into job status, and robust analytics for performance assessment. These features are vital for businesses with significant field operations.

Skedulo integrates well with various CRM, HRM, and payroll systems. This includes prominent platforms such as Salesforce, providing businesses with the flexibility to incorporate Skedulo into their existing workflows.


Skedulo starts from $59/user/month, making it a reasonably priced option for businesses looking for mobile workforce management solutions.


  • Robust focus on mobile workforce management, ideal for businesses with significant field operations
  • Integrates with popular CRM, HRM, and payroll systems, allowing for smooth workflow management
  • Provides real-time visibility into job status for better management


  • The starting price might be steep for small businesses or startups
  • The platform may have a learning curve for those unfamiliar with such systems
  • Features may be overkill for businesses without a significant mobile workforce

11. Schedule360 - Best for advanced configurability and scalability options

Schedule360 website screenshot
Here's a screenshot in Schedule360 website.

Schedule360 is an employee scheduling software built to address the complex needs of businesses of all sizes. Its primary focus is on providing scalable and highly configurable scheduling solutions, which makes it a great choice for businesses with complex or unique scheduling requirements.

Why I Picked Schedule360:

I chose Schedule360 due to its impressive ability to offer a highly configurable and scalable scheduling solution. This means it can be adjusted and adapted to suit a variety of business sizes and requirements.

It is this level of configurability and scalability that makes it stand out among other scheduling tools. I believe that Schedule360 is "best for" businesses that need advanced configuration and scalability options in their scheduling tool.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Key features of Schedule360 include customizable reporting, automated schedule creation, and an intuitive interface. Its robust configurability makes it possible to tailor these features to the unique needs of any organization.

Schedule360 provides integrations with key payroll and HR systems, helping businesses streamline their workflow by allowing data to move seamlessly between the platforms.


Schedule360 offers its pricing upon request. This is likely due to the highly configurable nature of their product, which can be tailored to the specific needs of each organization.


  • Offers advanced configurability and scalability, allowing it to cater to businesses with unique or complex needs
  • Provides customizable reporting for enhanced insights into scheduling and workforce management
  • Integrates with key payroll and HR systems, helping to streamline workflows


  • Pricing is not readily available, which may be a deterrent for some businesses
  • The high level of configurability may introduce a steeper learning curve for users
  • May offer more features than needed for smaller businesses or those with simpler scheduling needs

12. ShiftWizard - Best for reducing overtime with efficient labor management

ShiftWizard staff's schedule dashboard
A look at the ShiftWizard staff's schedule dashboard

ShiftWizard is a workforce management solution designed to streamline scheduling and improve labor efficiency. Its potent ability to minimize overtime through strategic labor management aligns it perfectly with businesses aiming to improve productivity while controlling labor costs.

Why I Picked ShiftWizard:

I selected ShiftWizard primarily for its effective labor management features, which provide strategic insights that help minimize overtime. Its standout differentiator is the balance it achieves between streamlining scheduling tasks and ensuring optimal labor usage, which can lead to substantial cost savings for businesses.

In my judgment, ShiftWizard excels in the area of reducing overtime and is thus "best for" companies seeking efficient labor management.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Key features of ShiftWizard include shift scheduling, labor cost tracking, and overtime management. Its forecasting tools also enable businesses to anticipate staffing needs, thereby avoiding unnecessary overtime.

ShiftWizard integrates with major payroll and HR systems, including ADP, Paychex, and Lawson, facilitating seamless data transfer and improving operational efficiency.


The pricing for ShiftWizard starts from $4/user/month. Please note this pricing might require a minimum number of seats and could vary based on the specific needs of your organization.


  • Efficient labor management helps in reducing overtime
  • Provides integrations with major HR and payroll systems for streamlined operations
  • Robust forecasting tools can anticipate staffing needs


  • Its advanced features may require a learning curve for users
  • Pricing could vary based on organizational needs, leading to potential uncertainty
  • Smaller businesses with simpler scheduling needs might find it overwhelming

Other Nurse Scheduling Software

Below is a list of additional nurse scheduling software that I shortlisted but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. UKG - Good for managing staffing in hospitals and health systems
  2. StaffScheduleCare - Good for extensive staff scheduling in care environments
  3. Amion - Good for offering a wide range of scheduling solutions across the healthcare industry
  4. Unifocus - Good for advanced labor management and cost control
  5. ESO - Good for EMS workforce scheduling and management
  6. TeleAlarm - Good for incorporating nurse call systems in their service offerings
  7. MEDSHIFT X-CHANGE - Good for promoting seamless shift exchanges among medical professionals

Selection Criteria for Nurse Scheduling Software

Selecting the right workforce scheduling software can feel like a daunting task given the myriad of options available. In my experience, having personally evaluated more than thirty tools specifically designed for this purpose, it is crucial to be clear on the factors that matter the most for your unique situation. Let's dive into these critical considerations.

Core Functionality

The essential functionalities to look for in a workforce scheduling tool include:

  • The ability to create, edit, and manage shifts
  • An efficient system for shift swapping or filling open shifts
  • Time-off management
  • Real-time notifications and alerts for schedule updates

Key Features

Among the various features, these are particularly impactful for this type of software:

  • Configurability: The software should provide options to tailor the tool to your specific staffing structures and processes.
  • Mobile Access: Given the nature of the healthcare industry, a mobile app or at least mobile-friendly access is critical for on-the-go schedule management.
  • Overtime Control: This feature assists in managing labor costs by monitoring and managing overtime.
  • Forecasting Capabilities: This helps anticipate staffing needs based on historical data and trends.
  • Compliance Checks: The tool should be able to ensure scheduling complies with labor laws and contracts.


When considering usability, the focus should be on these specific attributes:

  • Ease of Onboarding: The software should be intuitive and easy to learn for users of varying technical abilities.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Given the need for constant schedule modifications, the interface should be simple yet efficient, such as drag-and-drop functionality for schedule management.
  • Customer Support: Robust customer support is vital, including tutorials, user guides, and responsive service to resolve issues quickly.
  • Role-Based Access: A comprehensive employee management tool should have easy-to-configure role-based access to maintain security and workflow management.

People Also Ask

What are the benefits of using nurse scheduling software?

Nurse scheduling software brings numerous advantages to healthcare facilities, including:

  1. Efficient Scheduling: It enables the creation, modification, and management of nurse schedules in an efficient and centralized manner.
  2. Cost Management: By providing insights into labor costs and overtime, it helps manage budgets effectively.
  3. Reduced Scheduling Errors: It minimizes errors such as under or overstaffing, which can lead to poor patient care or increased labor costs.
  4. Time Savings: It eliminates the need for manual scheduling, freeing up administrators for other tasks.
  5. Improved Compliance: It ensures adherence to labor laws and contractual obligations, mitigating legal risks.

How much does nurse scheduling software typically cost?

Pricing for nurse scheduling software varies widely based on the tool's complexity, the size of the organization, and the specific features needed. On the lower end, costs can start from around $5 per user per month, while more advanced options can range up to $60 per user per month.

What are the typical pricing models for nurse scheduling software?

Pricing models for nurse scheduling software often include:

  1. Per User Pricing: This is a common model where you pay a set amount for each user on a monthly or annual basis.
  2. Tiered Pricing: Here, different pricing levels offer access to more features or support options.
  3. Enterprise Pricing: Larger organizations may opt for a custom pricing model that takes into account their specific requirements and number of users.

What are the cheapest and most expensive nurse scheduling software options?

At the more affordable end, Shiftboard starts at $5 per user per month, while more premium solutions like ShiftWizard can range up to $60 per user per month.

Are there any free nurse scheduling software options?

While most robust nurse scheduling tools come with a cost, there are some free options available, such as Homebase. However, free solutions often offer limited functionality and may not be suitable for larger or more complex healthcare settings. Always evaluate the specific needs of your organization before choosing a scheduling solution.

Other Medical Scheduling Reviews


Navigating the field of nurse scheduling software is an endeavor that demands a clear understanding of your organization's needs and the available tools' capabilities.

Key takeaways:

  1. Prioritize Core Functionality and Key Features: The most suitable software will have a strong core functionality that aligns with your organization's scheduling needs. Essential features may include efficient shift planning, labor cost tracking, and compliance with labor laws. Remember, a tool with numerous features isn't necessarily the best if those features don't directly serve your needs.
  2. Consider Usability and Support: The tool's usability will significantly impact its effectiveness. An intuitive, user-friendly interface, easy onboarding process, and quality customer support should be top considerations when selecting your software.
  3. Assess Cost and Value: While cost is an important factor, it's more crucial to evaluate the value that a tool provides relative to its price. Consider both your budget and the benefits you stand to gain from using the software in the long term. Furthermore, understand the pricing models on offer and opt for one that suits your organization's size and requirements.

What Do You Think?

It's important to note that the nurse scheduling software field is vast, and while I’ve endeavored to present some of the top options, there might be other valuable tools out there. I encourage you to continue exploring and trying different platforms until you find the one that best fits your unique needs.

Your input matters to me, too. If you have experience with a nurse scheduling tool that wasn't mentioned in this guide, or if you'd like to suggest a tool for me to consider for future updates, please feel free to share your thoughts and experiences.

John Payne
By John Payne

John Payne is the co-founder and company director of Symphony Health. With over 20 years of management experience John is working alongside his wife, Dr. Kate Payne to build a multi-site Medical Practice where staff work collaboratively for the good of their patients. John is passionate about improving access to quality Healthcare in North Vancouver and sharing best practice with other people managing medical practices.