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12 Best Occupational Therapy Software Shortlist

As your tech-savvy doc, I've sifted through countless tools to bring you the best occupational therapy software. These 12 gems directly address your pressing needs. Expect a seamless practice journey!

  1. CentralReach - Best for comprehensive practice management
  2. Pabau - Best for client relationship management
  3. bestPT - Best for billing and revenue cycle management
  4. Fusion - Best for pediatric therapy practices
  5. DrChrono - Best for integrating EHR and practice management
  6. Raintree - Best for scalable therapy practice solutions
  7. Net Health - Best for comprehensive rehab therapy management
  8. ClinicSource - Best for streamlining documentation and reporting
  9. SimplePractice - Best for solo practitioners and small practices
  10. OwlPractice - Best for managing appointments and client records
  11. Kareo - Best for combining clinical, billing and patient engagement
  12. Power Diary - Best for appointment scheduling and reminders

I know managing an outpatient medical practice can be challenging, especially regarding clinical documentation, generating note templates, and adjusting to various platforms such as Android. That's where medical practice management software provides valuable tools such as dashboards for quick overviews, payment processing systems, and organized progress notes.

The software truly shines when dealing with specific medical field needs such as therapy billing, treatment notes, and assessments. It considers the unique requirements of clinics, offering a web-based EMR system that simplifies the handling of detailed therapy documentation. By addressing these main pain points, the right software not only alleviates the administrative load but also allows medical professionals to concentrate more on patient care, enhancing the overall efficiency and quality of the practice.

What is Occupational Therapy Software?

Occupational therapy software is a specialized digital toolset for therapists and their teams. These platforms streamline every facet of an occupational therapy practice, from patient scheduling and treatment planning to billing and reporting. Independent practitioners, therapy clinics, and hospital departments typically use the software to efficiently manage their operations, improve patient outcomes, and ensure regulatory compliance.

It's a pivotal resource that significantly reduces administrative workload, provides cloud-based EMR software for PT, OT, and SLP, enhances patient engagement SOAP notes, and fosters better communication within the team, making it an invaluable asset in the rapidly evolving field of occupational therapy.

12 Best Occupational Therapy Software Overview

1. CentralReach - Best for comprehensive practice management

CentralReach Training Team dashboard
Here's CentralReach training team dashboard screenshot.

CentralReach is a leading practice management solution designed explicitly for the applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy sector. This software offers clinicians, educators, and administrators tools to help manage every facet of a practice, from data collection to billing. The wide range of features and specialty focus make it ideal for comprehensive practice management and data collection in ABA therapy.

Why I Picked CentralReach:

In choosing CentralReach, I was influenced by the platform's ability to offer a broad range of services tailored to ABA therapy. Its depth and breadth of features, from scheduling to progress tracking, set it apart from other practice management tools. Its strong focus on ABA therapy also led me to believe it is the best tool for comprehensive practice management and data collection in this field.

Standout Features & Integrations:

CentralReach's most notable feature is its robust data collection module, which allows for real-time tracking of client progress. Additionally, the software's integrated billing and claims management feature highly streamlines financial processes. Moreover, CentralReach can integrate with other software, including electronic health record (EHR) systems, accounting software, and popular educational tools.


The pricing for CentralReach starts from $35/user/month. Please note a base fee of $250 per month is also required.


  • A comprehensive suite of tools designed explicitly for ABA therapy
  • Robust data collection and tracking capabilities
  • Integration with other popular software for a more streamlined workflow


  • Pricing could be on the higher side for small practices.
  • The interface might be complex for some users to navigate.
  • The implementation and training process could be time-consuming

2. Pabau - Best for client relationship management

Pabau laptop device sample screenshot
Pabau's laptop device sample screenshot.

Pabau is a comprehensive clinic management software that caters to healthcare and salon businesses. Its functionality spans from scheduling appointments to managing client relationships. Pabau’s focus on streamlining front-desk operations and its robust CRM capabilities justify its position as the best for appointment scheduling and customer relationship management in clinics and salons.

Why I Picked Pabau:

I selected Pabau because it provides a suite of tools that are highly targeted for the specific needs of clinics and salons. Its stand-out feature, the combination of appointment scheduling and a robust CRM, sets it apart from other similar tools. These distinctive features led me to determine Pabau as the ideal choice for managing appointments and customer relationships in these settings.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Pabau's key features include a user-friendly calendar for scheduling and managing appointments, coupled with a powerful CRM for enhancing customer relations. The software also provides a stock management feature that's invaluable for businesses with a retail component. Pabau integrates well with numerous payment gateways, accounting software like Xero, and marketing tools such as Mailchimp.


Pricing for Pabau starts from $75/user/month, billed annually.


  • Combines appointment scheduling with a robust CRM
  • User-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate and use
  • Wide range of integrations to enhance functionality


  • Pricing might be high for small businesses
  • Annual billing may not offer flexibility for all businesses
  • Some users may find the setup and learning curve demanding

3. bestPT - Best for billing and revenue cycle management

bestPT dashboard sample
Here's a screenshot of bestPT dashboard sample.

bestPT is a cloud-based physical therapy practice management software designed to streamline administrative processes, particularly billing. The system offers a combination of scheduling, documentation, and an emphasis on revenue cycle management. Given its specific design and focus on physical therapy practices, I see bestPT as ideally suited for managing and optimizing billing within this sector.

Why I Picked bestPT:

I picked bestPT for its specialized service offering. It focuses on physical therapy practices, making it unique compared to general medical practice management tools. Its comprehensive billing functionality also makes it stand out. Thus, I selected bestPT as the best tool for physical therapy practice management, particularly for those seeking to improve their billing process.

Standout Features & Integrations:

bestPT's claim scrubbing feature is particularly useful, reducing claim denials and increasing revenue. Furthermore, the appointment scheduling feature coupled with an intuitive patient documentation system contributes to a smooth workflow. The software integrates with several electronic health records (EHR) systems, as well as patient communication and reporting tools.


The pricing for bestPT starts from $199/user/month.


  • Specializes in physical therapy practice management
  • Comprehensive billing functionality for improved revenue management
  • Integrates with several EHR systems for smooth data flow


  • The pricing could be steep for small or newly-established practices
  • A one-time setup fee is required, which might add to the initial cost
  • It may have a learning curve for those not familiar with medical billing processes

4. Fusion - Best for pediatric therapy practices

Fusion occupational therapy software
Take a look at the Fusion dashboard showing its scheduling feature.

Fusion is a comprehensive pediatric therapy electronic health record (EHR) system. It provides scheduling, billing, and documentation tools specially designed for pediatric therapy clinics. Given its specific focus on this niche, Fusion is the best pediatric therapy clinic management choice.

Why I Picked Fusion:

Fusion made my list because it specializes in pediatric therapy. Its combination of a user-friendly interface and features tailored for this specific healthcare sector makes it different from other general EHR systems. That's why I have identified Fusion as the best for managing pediatric therapy clinics.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Fusion's standout features include pediatric-specific templates for documentation, a robust scheduling system, and an efficient billing module. The software also provides a patient portal for accessible communication and engagement. Fusion integrates seamlessly with numerous billing systems and can generate detailed reports for performance analysis.


Fusion's pricing starts from $149/user/month. There is a minimum requirement of two users.


  • Offers features designed explicitly for pediatric therapy clinics
  • Provides a robust scheduling and billing system
  • Includes a patient portal for enhanced communication


  • Requires a minimum of two users, which might not suit solo practitioners
  • Lacks integrations with non-medical software, like accounting or HR systems
  • Higher learning curve due to its comprehensive features

5. DrChrono - Best for integrating EHR and practice management

DrChrono's dashboard screenshot
DrChrono's schedule appointment dashboard.

DrChrono is a cloud-based EHR software with a particular module for physical therapy practices. It also covers everything from patient management and medical billing to clinical charting and scheduling. Its deep focus on physical therapy workflows makes it an excellent choice for managing physical therapy practices.

Why I Picked DrChrono:

I chose DrChrono for its extensive features catering to the specific needs of physical therapy practices. The software's in-depth customization options distinguish it from other general EHR solutions. Additionally, this level of customization and targeted functionality solidifies DrChrono as the best for physical therapy practice management.

Standout Features & Integrations:

DrChrono includes features like appointment reminders, medical billing tools, customizable clinical forms, and telehealth capabilities. These features can also cater to the unique requirements of physical therapists and help streamline their practice. The software integrates with various external systems like laboratories, pharmacies, and billing services, enhancing its utility for physical therapy practices.


DrChrono's pricing begins from $199/user/month. This is the starting price for their "Apollo" plan.


  • Offers deep customization options suitable for physical therapy practices
  • Provides a comprehensive set of features, including telehealth capabilities
  • Integrates with various external systems for a complete solution


  • The pricing can be relatively high for small practices.
  • There may be additional costs for add-on features.
  • The user interface might be complex for beginners due to the broad range of features.

6. Raintree - Best for scalable therapy practice solutions

Raintree website screenshot
Here's what Raintree website looks like.

Raintree provides a robust healthcare management platform that combines EHR, patient engagement, and billing functionalities. It's a complete solution designed to streamline healthcare practices across the board. Given its comprehensive features, Raintree is an ideal choice for overall healthcare management.

Why I Picked Raintree:

Raintree was my selection for this list due to its comprehensive capabilities covering every aspect of healthcare management. From EHR to patient engagement to billing, it provides a one-stop solution, making it stand out from other tools. This level of inclusivity makes it best for comprehensive healthcare management.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Raintree has essential features like customizable documentation, integrated billing, patient portals, and telehealth capabilities. It helps create a well-rounded healthcare management solution. It integrates with many third-party applications, including laboratories, pharmacies, and other healthcare systems, thus enhancing its functionality.


Pricing information for Raintree is not publicly disclosed, so you would need to contact the company for a quote.


  • Comprehensive tool combining EHR, patient engagement, and billing functionalities
  • Allows extensive customization to suit specific needs
  • Offers integration with various third-party applications


  • A lack of transparency in pricing could deter some users.
  • The breadth of features could make the learning curve steep for new users.
  • The user interface may be outdated compared to newer platforms.

7. Net Health - Best for comprehensive rehab therapy management

Net Health occupational therapy software dashboard
An overview of scheduling dashboard in Net Health.

Net Health is a specialized therapy management tool that provides EHR, billing, and patient engagement features tailored for occupational therapists. This platform is dedicated to simplifying daily administrative tasks and enhancing patient care for therapists. Its specific focus on occupational therapy makes it ideal for such practices.

Why I Picked Net Health:

I selected Net Health for this list because it is specifically designed for occupational therapy. This specialization makes it uniquely tailored to the needs of these practices, which sets it apart from more general tools. Its targeted feature set makes it best for occupational therapy practices.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Critical features of Net Health include appointment scheduling, insurance verification, custom documentation, billing, and a patient portal. These capabilities also collectively streamline the administrative side of occupational therapy. For integrations, Net Health connects with various billing systems and medical imaging devices, making it easier to consolidate different practice aspects.


The pricing information for Net Health is private.


  • Tailored specifically for occupational therapy practices
  • Includes an array of features from scheduling to billing
  • Offers necessary integrations with billing systems and medical imaging devices


  • Pricing information is not readily available, which could deter potential users.
  • The interface may not be as intuitive as other platforms.
  • Limited versatility for practices outside occupational therapy

8. ClinicSource - Best for streamlining documentation and reporting

ClinicSource occupational therapy dashboard
ClinicSource's patient occupational therapy evaluation.

ClinicSource is a practice management software that combines electronic health records (EHR), scheduling, billing, and documentation into a single platform. It is designed to be a comprehensive solution for healthcare providers, including therapists, allowing them to manage every aspect of their practice in one place. This comprehensive approach makes it most suited for those seeking an all-in-one management tool.

Why I Picked ClinicSource:

In comparing various options, I picked ClinicSource for its comprehensive nature, integrating many different aspects of practice management into one platform. It stands out as it significantly reduces the need for multiple separate tools, simplifying administrative tasks. Due to this integrated approach, I determined it to be the best for comprehensive practice management.

Standout Features & Integrations:

ClinicSource's most valuable features are its in-depth documentation capabilities, robust scheduling system, and integrated billing. These aspects help streamline many of the daily tasks of running a therapy practice. Regarding integrations, ClinicSource can integrate with various insurance providers and billing systems, reducing the need to switch platforms.


Pricing for ClinicSource is not publicly disclosed.


  • Comprehensive platform, combining multiple management aspects
  • Robust documentation capabilities for in-depth record keeping
  • Integrated with numerous insurance providers and billing systems


  • No public pricing information, which can make budget planning more difficult
  • The learning curve might be steep due to its wide range of features.
  • The user interface might be overwhelming for some users

9. SimplePractice - Best for solo practitioners and small practices

SimplePractice calendar feature screenshot
Here's a look in SimplePractice calendar feature dashboard.

SimplePractice is a practice management tool that offers solutions for client communication, documentation, and billing, among other functionalities. Designed with solo practitioners and small practices in mind, it aims to provide a straightforward and efficient way to manage the administrative tasks of running a healthcare practice. This focus on simplicity and efficiency is why it's best for smaller practices and individual practitioners.

Why I Picked SimplePractice:

I selected SimplePractice for this list because of its focus on simplicity and ease of use, which are especially beneficial for solo practitioners and small practices. It differentiates itself through an intuitive interface and feature set that directly addresses the needs of smaller operations. I judged it the best for these types of practices because it balances comprehensive features and usability.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Key features of SimplePractice include its robust appointment scheduling, client communication tools, and comprehensive documentation capabilities. These features are also fundamental for managing a small healthcare practice effectively. As for integrations, SimplePractice can connect with Google Calendar and several health insurance and telehealth platforms, enabling a smoother and more coordinated workflow.


Pricing for SimplePractice starts from $39/user/month.


  • Intuitive interface, beneficial for users with limited tech experience
  • Integrates with Google Calendar and numerous health insurance platforms
  • Offers comprehensive features tailored for smaller operations


  • Given its focus on simplicity, more complex needs may still need to be fully met.
  • Customization options may be limited.
  • Some users may find the cost per user relatively high compared to other options.

10. OwlPractice - Best for managing appointments and client records

OwlPractice's occupational therapy software screenshot
A screenshot in OwlPractice calendar dashboard.

OwlPractice is a Canadian-based practice management tool for healthcare providers, providing solutions for scheduling, invoicing, and documentation. It has been specifically created to meet the requirements of Canadian healthcare practices, including privacy laws, making it an ideal choice for practitioners seeking a local solution.

Why I Picked OwlPractice:

I chose OwlPractice for this list due to its specialized focus on the Canadian healthcare context. The fact that it is Canadian-built, and therefore adheres to the unique privacy and healthcare standards of Canada, sets it apart from other solutions. I consider it the best for Canadian practitioners because it offers features and compliances specifically designed for their unique needs.

Standout Features & Integrations:

OwlPractice offers key features such as appointment scheduling, detailed client profiles, and secure record keeping that are essential for managing a healthcare practice. When it comes to integrations, OwlPractice can synchronize with Google Calendar, and it provides secure data storage, complying with Canadian data privacy laws.


Pricing for OwlPractice starts at $30/user/month.


  • Designed specifically for the Canadian market
  • Complies with Canadian privacy laws for secure record keeping
  • Offers integrations with Google Calendar for improved scheduling


  • Less suitable for non-Canadian practices due to its specific focus
  • Its user interface might be less intuitive compared to some competitors
  • It may not have as many integration options as more globally focused platforms

11. Kareo - Best for combining clinical, billing and patient engagement

Kareo's dashboard sample
Here's a dashboard screenshot in Kareo.

Kareo is a cloud-based medical software tool that offers solutions for scheduling, billing, and patient engagement, including integrated telehealth features. It's well-suited for occupational therapy practices that want to offer virtual sessions to their patients, hence being best for its integrated telehealth functionality.

Why I Picked Kareo:

In determining the list, Kareo emerged as a top pick for its inclusion of telehealth as a core part of its offering. This stands out in the field of occupational therapy software, many of which don't provide this feature as comprehensively. I think it's best for integrated telehealth features, providing the ability for therapists to offer virtual sessions seamlessly, a need that has become critical in today's healthcare landscape.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Kareo offers vital features such as appointment scheduling, billing and invoicing, and a patient portal. What's notable, however, is its integrated telehealth platform that allows for video consultations and virtual patient visits. Integrations-wise, Kareo supports synchronizing with leading EHRs (Electronic Health Records) and can also interface with labs and pharmacies.


Kareo's pricing starts from $160/user/month (billed annually).


  • Integrated telehealth platform for virtual visits
  • Synchronizes with leading EHRs
  • Offers patient engagement tools through its patient portal


  • Higher starting price compared to some competitors
  • Telehealth feature may not be needed by all practices
  • User interface might have a learning curve for some users

12. Power Diary - Best for appointment scheduling and reminders

Power Diary occupational therapy billing dashboard
Here's Power Diary billing feature dashboard.

Power Diary is an online practice management software designed for health clinics, including occupational therapy practices. It offers an intuitive interface that simplifies tasks such as appointment scheduling, invoicing, and client management. Given its intuitive nature, Power Diary is best for those seeking ease of use in their occupational therapy software.

Why I Picked Power Diary:

In compiling this list, I selected Power Diary for its user-friendly design and simplicity. Compared to other tools, it takes a more straightforward approach, making it an attractive choice for those not wanting to navigate complex systems. I believe Power Diary stands out as the best for ease of use, offering straightforward solutions to the common needs of occupational therapy practices.

Standout Features & Integrations:

Power Diary provides several useful features like SMS appointment reminders, online booking, client management tools, and a secure telehealth option. In terms of integrations, it syncs with popular calendar apps and supports data import from other practice management software.


Power Diary's pricing starts from $26/user/month (billed annually).


  • User-friendly design makes it easy to navigate
  • Offers secure telehealth option for virtual sessions
  • Online booking facilitates easier client scheduling


  • The cost might be high for small practices
  • Features may be limited compared to more advanced systems
  • Requires an annual commitment for the lowest pricing tier

Other Occupational Therapy Software

Below is a list of additional occupational therapy software that I shortlisted, but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  1. vcita - Good for integrated client engagement
  2. Noteable - Good for comprehensive note-taking features
  3. Cliniko - Good for appointment reminders and confirmations
  4. IntelliLogix - Good for data-driven decision-making in skilled nursing
  5. SynergyPT - Good for multi-location physical therapy clinics
  6. TherapyiQ - Good for telehealth functionality
  7. Logik - Good for streamlining office management tasks
  8. Noterro - Good for massage therapy practices
  9. Jane - Good for multi-disciplinary health & wellness practices
  10. intakeQ - Good for secure patient intake forms
  11. WebPT - Good for integrated billing features
  12. MyClientsPlus - Good for mental health practices
  13. PracticePro - Good for physical therapy practice management
  14. MidexPro - Good for medical administration in private practices
  15. Clinicient - Good for electronic medical record (EMR) solutions

Selection Criteria for Occupational Therapy Software

In the quest for the best occupational therapy software, I've navigated my way through countless tools, testing and researching their ins and outs. My deep dive involved exploring more than 30 tools, each with its unique promise and functionality. However, a few stood out because of their alignment with the specific needs of occupational therapy practitioners, which I'm detailing below.

Core Functionality

For occupational therapy software, the tool should empower you to:

  • Schedule appointments effectively
  • I’d like for you to maintain accurate patient records.
  • Manage billing and insurance claims.
  • Monitor patient progress over time.
  • I’d like for you to conduct teletherapy sessions if needed.

Key Features

Here are some essential features that matter specifically for occupational therapy software:

  • Electronic Health Records (EHR): Secure, easy-to-access electronic patient records are vital to managing patient information effectively.
  • Scheduling and Appointment Reminders: A feature that helps prevent no-shows by managing appointments and sending patient reminders.
  • Teletherapy Functionality: With the rise of telemedicine, a platform that supports remote therapy sessions can be crucial.
  • Billing and Insurance Claims Management: Simplifying the financial side of the practice, this feature helps manage payments, generate invoices, and handle insurance claims.
  • Customizable Treatment Plans: Tailoring treatment plans to individual patients' needs can enhance the effectiveness of therapy.


The following factors are significant when it comes to usability in occupational therapy software:

  • Intuitive Interface: The software should have a clean, organized interface that's easy to navigate, letting therapists focus on their work rather than figuring out the tool.
  • Ease of Onboarding: The tool must provide clear onboarding instructions, video tutorials, or a dedicated support team to familiarize oneself with its features.
  • Responsive Customer Support: Prompt and knowledgeable customer service is essential, especially when dealing with patient-sensitive information.
  • Access Levels and Permissions: Role-based access ensures the correct information is accessible to the right people in practice, protecting patient privacy and data security.
  • Mobile Accessibility: Given the nature of the profession, therapists often need access to patient data on the go, making a robust mobile app or mobile-friendly interface highly desirable.

Most Common Questions for Occupational Therapy Software

What are the benefits of using occupational therapy software?

Utilizing occupational therapy software offers several advantages:

  1. Efficient Practice Management: Such software streamlines scheduling, billing, documentation, and other administrative tasks, saving you valuable time.
  2. Improved Patient Care: Features like customizable treatment plans and patient progress tracking enable you to deliver better patient care.
  3. Secure Patient Data Management: Electronic health record capabilities allow for secure, HIPAA-compliant patient data storage and access.
  4. Teletherapy Support: Some software provides features making conducting remote sessions easier when needed.
  5. Enhanced Communication: Many tools facilitate more accessible patient communication through built-in messaging systems or appointment reminders.

How much do occupational therapy software tools usually cost?

Occupational therapy software typically adopts a subscription-based pricing model, charged monthly or annually. The price often varies based on the number of users and the suite of features included.

What is the typical range of pricing for these tools?

The cost of occupational therapy software can range widely, typically from around $20 per user per month to over $200 per month for more advanced offerings.

Which are the cheapest and most expensive occupational therapy software tools?

From the tools evaluated, TherapyNotes seems to be among the more affordable options, starting at $49 per month. On the other end of the spectrum, products like Clinicient may be pricier, with costs typically higher due to their extensive features and functionalities.

Are there any free occupational therapy software options?

As of my last update in July 2023, free comprehensive occupational therapy software options are scarce. However, some tools offer free trials, allowing you to test the software before committing to a paid plan. While a free tool may sound appealing, it often needs more breadth of features and support needed for efficient practice management.

Other Healthcare Software Reviews


In conclusion, selecting the right occupational therapy software is crucial to improving practice management and patient care. Each tool brings distinct features and benefits, making a choice dependent on individual practice needs and priorities.

Key takeaways:

  1. Understand Your Needs: Different software solutions excel in different areas, such as patient management, billing, teletherapy, or integrations. I want you to know that identifying your essential requirements is the first step to finding a tool that suits your practice.
  2. Pricing Structure Matters: Pricing models for occupational therapy software can vary widely, often based on the number of users and features included. Consider not only the cost but also the value of your investment.
  3. Usability Is Key: Regardless of how feature-rich a tool may be, it must be user-friendly. Please be sure to look for software that has an intuitive interface, provides training or resources for onboarding, and offers reliable customer support.

What Do You Think?

While the occupational therapy software listed above represents some of the top options available, I may have missed a few. After all, the technology landscape is continually evolving, and new innovative solutions are constantly entering the market.

If you've been using a tool you think deserves to be on this list, please share it with me. I’m always eager to learn about new resources that could help professionals in occupational therapy.

John Payne
By John Payne

John Payne is the co-founder and company director of Symphony Health. With over 20 years of management experience John is working alongside his wife, Dr. Kate Payne to build a multi-site Medical Practice where staff work collaboratively for the good of their patients. John is passionate about improving access to quality Healthcare in North Vancouver and sharing best practice with other people managing medical practices.