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With decades in healthcare tech under my belt, I've encountered and assessed countless software solutions. Today, I present an in-depth Curve Dental review with every detail of this medical practice management software. I'll provide the information you need, so by the end, you'll have a clear understanding of whether this tool is the right fit for your needs.

curve dental review showing the KPI dashboard
With Curve Dental you can obtain details about the monthly and annual figures of your professional activity.

Curve Dental Software Overview

Curve Dental is a dental practice management software designed to streamline operations and improve patient care. Dentists and dental office staff use it to manage day-to-day tasks and patient data. This tool offers efficiency in scheduling, billing, and patient communication, directly addressing common challenges faced in dental practice management. Notably, its features include intuitive charting, digital imaging integration, and comprehensive reporting.


  • Intuitive Charting: Curve Dental provides user-friendly graphical representations, simplifying the process of dental charting for practitioners.
  • Digital Imaging Integration: The software seamlessly integrates with a range of digital imaging tools, allowing for quick access to and management of patient images.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Users can generate detailed reports, making it easier to analyze practice performance and patient data.


  • Learning Curve: Despite its intuitive design, new users might require some time to fully understand all functionalities.
  • Limited Customization: Curve Dental doesn't offer as much customization options as some other tools in the market.
  • Integration Limitations: While it has solid digital imaging integration, there might be other third-party tools that it doesn’t support as well.

Expert Opinion

In my years of analyzing healthcare tech, Curve Dental stands out for certain aspects. Its user interface is intuitive, especially in terms of charting, and its integration with digital imaging tools is commendable. When determining the tool's overall effectiveness, its comprehensive reporting capabilities make it a worthy contender in the market. However, its limited customization and some integration limitations might make it less attractive for practices that rely heavily on specific third-party tools.

Judging by its features and comparing it with other tools, I'd say CurveDental shines for medium-sized dental clinics that prioritize ease of use and integrated imaging solutions.

Curve Dental: The Bottom Line

What sets Curve Dental apart from its competitors is its blend of user-friendly charting, integrated imaging solutions, and in-depth reporting capabilities. While many tools offer one or the other, the combination of these features in Curve Dental offers a unique proposition for dental practices. The software’s graphical charting is notably user-friendly, and its imaging integration can be a game-changer for practices prioritizing digital solutions.

Curve Dental Deep Dive

Product Specifications

  1. Appointment Scheduling: Yes
  2. Patient Records Management: Yes
  3. Billing & Invoicing: Yes
  4. Treatment Planning: Yes
  5. Digital Imaging: Yes
  6. Reporting: Yes
  7. Patient Communication: Yes
  8. Insurance Claims Management: Yes
  9. Charting: Yes
  10. Workflow Management: Yes
  11. Patient Portal: Yes
  12. X-rays Integration: Yes
  13. HIPAA Compliance: Yes
  14. Task Management: Yes
  15. Document Management: Yes
  16. Reminders: Yes
  17. Multi-Location Support: Yes
  18. Calendar Management: Yes
  19. Messaging: No
  20. Patient Education: No
  21. Online Payments: No
  22. Inventory Management: No
  23. E-Prescribing: No
  24. Time Tracking: No
  25. Mobile Access: No

Curve Dental Feature Overview

  1. Appointment Scheduling: Curve Dental offers a solid scheduling system, catering to the demands of bustling dental offices.
  2. Patient Records Management: Handling patient data is efficient, ensuring a paperless, streamlined workflow.
  3. Digital Imaging: It integrates effectively with imaging tools, simplifying access to dental x-rays and images.
  4. Treatment Planning: This function ensures that dentists can map out treatment paths for their patients effectively.
  5. Charting: Curve Dental's charting system stands out for its user-friendly interface, enhancing the process of dental charting.
  6. Patient Portal: A dedicated portal for patients to access their information and communicate with their dentists in real-time.
  7. Insurance Claims Management: It simplifies the often complicated process of managing insurance claims.
  8. Workflow Management: It ensures that tasks within the dental practice flow smoothly, from front office tasks to patient care.
  9. Document Management: It's designed to maintain a paperless environment by effectively storing necessary documentation.
  10. Patient Communication: This feature ensures streamlined communication, from appointment reminders to treatment updates.
curve dental charts - dashboard review of aging summary
Analyze all the information on your professional activity in charts.

Standout Functionality

  1. Digital Imaging Integration: Curve Dental's superior integration with imaging tools sets it apart, allowing immediate access to dental x-rays.
  2. Patient Portal: Its real-time patient portal ensures that patients have an immediate connection to their data and their dental team members.
  3. Charting: The software’s charting is particularly advanced, allowing for precise and user-friendly treatment planning.


Curve Dental seamlessly integrates with certain digital imaging tools. They also offer a robust API, paving the way for potential third-party integration. Add-ons are available to enhance the software's modules, including enhanced patient communication or digital imaging functionalities.


Pricing upon request

Ease of Use

When I navigate Curve Dental, the interface is intuitive. While core functionalities are straightforward, newcomers may need some time to adapt to its depth, especially in areas like advanced charting.

Customer Support

Curve Dental offers extensive resources from webinars to documentation. While they provide live chat, the wait times can sometimes test one's patience. A more immediate phone number support would be a welcome addition.

Curve Dental Use Case

Who would be a good fit for Curve Dental?

From my perspective, medium to large dental practices stand to benefit most from Curve Dental. Its features, especially in charting and digital imaging, make it a worthy pick for dental offices prioritizing these functionalities.

Who would be a bad fit for Curve Dental?

Very large organizations or those looking for extensive mobile functionalities may feel constrained. If a dental practice is dependent on a myriad of third-party apps, they might find Curve Dental's integration options limiting.

Curve Dental FAQs

What is Curve Dental's main functionality?

Curve Dental is a dental practice management system designed to streamline dentistry operations.

Does Curve Dental offer a patient portal?

Yes, there's a dedicated patient portal that provides real-time access to patient information.

Is Curve Dental a cloud-based solution?

Yes, Curve Dental is a web-based, cloud-powered platform.

How does the software handle charting?

Curve Dental provides advanced and user-friendly dental charting.

Can I integrate digital imaging tools with Curve Dental?

Absolutely. Curve Dental offers seamless integration with various digital imaging tools.

How does Curve Dental manage insurance claims?

The software provides modules that streamline insurance claims management.

Do they offer mobile support?

Currently, Curve Dental doesn't have a dedicated mobile application.

Is Curve Dental HIPAA compliant?

Yes, Curve Dental adheres to HIPAA guidelines.

Alternatives to Curve Dental

  • Dentrix: Chosen by many for its enhanced period modules and charting.
  • PracticeWeb: Known for its patient communication tools and user-friendly interface.
  • DentalCare: A preference for those prioritizing patient education modules.

Need more options? Find more alternatives to help you in this search with my in-depth review of the best dental EMR systems.

Curve Dental Company Overview & History

Curve Dental, a leading software company, specializes in dental practice management software. Situated in Orem, Utah, it has cemented its presence across numerous dental offices. It's a privately owned entity, and its mission is to revolutionize dentistry through innovative, cloud-based solutions. Since its establishment, Curve Dental has shown a relentless drive toward creating web-based solutions, ensuring a streamlined experience for dentists and their staff.


After an exhaustive review, it's evident that Curve Dental offers a host of powerful features for dental practices. From its robust charting to the patient portal, it caters to a broad spectrum of dentistry needs. If you've had an experience with Curve Dental or any other dental practice management software, I urge you to share your insights. If you're still on the fence, our healthcare tools section offers reviews of various practice management solutions for a more informed decision.

John Payne
By John Payne

John Payne is the co-founder and company director of Symphony Health. With over 20 years of management experience John is working alongside his wife, Dr. Kate Payne to build a multi-site Medical Practice where staff work collaboratively for the good of their patients. John is passionate about improving access to quality Healthcare in North Vancouver and sharing best practice with other people managing medical practices.