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With decades of experience in healthcare tech, I know the features and functionalities that matter most when choosing an EHR system. In this Healthie review, I take a close look at this EHR and engagement software to give you all the information you'll need. Trust me to guide you through its strengths and weaknesses so you can decide if it's the right fit for you.

healthie review - software dashboard showing appointments by type
With Healthie you can see in detail all your appointment schedule and more.

Healthie Software Overview

Healthie is an EHR and engagement software designed to streamline patient management and care coordination. Its target users are healthcare providers, clinics, and health-focused organizations. The software aims to improve efficiency by automating time-consuming tasks such as appointment scheduling and medical record keeping. The main pain points it addresses include manual data entry, patient engagement, and inter-office communication. Its standout features are its intuitive interface, telehealth capabilities, and robust data analytics.


  • Intuitive Interface: The user-friendly design simplifies navigation, reducing the time it takes for staff training.
  • Telehealth Features: The built-in telehealth capabilities allow you to consult and engage with patients remotely.
  • Data Analytics: Comprehensive reports on patient engagement and clinic performance can inform business decisions.


  • Limited Customization: Healthie offers less room for customization compared to other robust EHR systems.
  • Complexity for Small Clinics: The range of features may overwhelm small clinics that require a simpler solution.
  • Limited Third-party Integrations: The software struggles in terms of compatibility with other tools or services commonly used in healthcare.

Expert Opinion

Having seen various EHR solutions over the years, I can assert that Healthie offers a solid mix of features, functionality, and interface quality. Where it really shines is in its telehealth features and data analytics capabilities, which are more advanced than many competitors. However, it underperforms in terms of customization and third-party integrations. When choosing an EHR system, the level of customization and integration could be a determining factor for many. In my judgment, Healthie suits mid-sized to large healthcare providers that require a balanced mix of telehealth and analytics capabilities.

Healthie: The Bottom Line

What sets Healthie apart from other EHR systems is its focus on patient engagement and telehealth capabilities. This specialized focus can be a major advantage for practices looking to extend their reach beyond the clinic. Its intuitive interface and analytics are also noteworthy, giving healthcare providers useful insights to improve practice efficiency and patient care.

Healthie Deep Dive

Product Specifications

  1. Appointment Scheduling - Yes
  2. Electronic Medical Records (EMR) - Yes
  3. Patient Messaging - Yes
  4. Telehealth - Yes
  5. Payment Processing - Yes
  6. Document Management - Yes
  7. Clinical Charting - Yes
  8. Prescription Management - No
  9. Referral Management - Yes
  10. Task Management - Yes
  11. Reporting and Analytics - Yes
  12. HIPAA-compliant - Yes
  13. Multi-User Support - Yes
  14. Billing and Invoicing - Yes
  15. Customer Support - Yes
  16. Video Consultations - Yes
  17. Nutrition Tracking - Yes
  18. Mobile App (Android & iOS) - Yes
  19. Real-time Notifications - Yes
  20. Intake Forms - Yes
  21. Webinars - Yes
  22. Outlook Integration - No
  23. API Availability - Yes
  24. User Reviews - No
  25. Meal Plans - Yes
healthie software review - dashboard screenshot showing appointments and tasks
The software welcomes you to the platform with all the tasks you have pending for the day

Feature Overview

  1. Appointment Scheduling: Healthie simplifies booking with a calendar system that easily adjusts to various time zones.
  2. Electronic Medical Records: It provides a HIPAA-compliant platform for storing patient data securely.
  3. Patient Messaging: The messaging functionality supports both text and multimedia, enhancing communication between providers and patients.
  4. Telehealth: In-built telehealth capabilities support video consultations, setting it apart from mere scheduling tools.
  5. Clinical Charting: Healthie offers robust charting tools, including templates that can be customized to fit specific needs.
  6. Task Management: Assign and track tasks within your team efficiently, allowing for effective practice management.
  7. Reporting and Analytics: The software provides a metrics dashboard that offers real-time insights into practice performance.
  8. Mobile App: It has both Android and iOS apps that offer most of the desktop functionalities, providing convenience for on-the-go usage.
  9. Intake Forms: Customizable intake forms can be filled out electronically, streamlining the patient onboarding process.
  10. Nutrition Tracking: Particularly useful for dietitians and nutritionists, this feature enables tracking meal plans and dietary intake.

Standout Functionality

  1. Telehealth Capabilities: What sets Healthie apart is its robust telehealth functionality that goes beyond just video consultations to include multimedia messaging and secure document sharing.
  2. Nutrition Tracking: Unlike standard EHR platforms, Healthie offers specialized nutrition tracking ideal for wellness professionals.
  3. Customizable Clinical Charting: The charting feature is highly customizable, providing templates that fit various healthcare practices.


  • API: Healthie offers API capabilities that allow custom integrations for unique practice needs.
  • Native Integrations: It integrates natively with platforms like Google Calendar, enabling seamless scheduling and reminders.


  • Basic Plan: At $50/user/month (min 5 seats), this tier provides essential features like appointment scheduling and messaging.
  • Intermediate Plan: Priced at $100/user/month (billed annually), this plan adds functionalities like telehealth and analytics.
  • Advanced Plan: At $150/user/month (+ $49 base fee per month), this plan provides all features including advanced analytics and multi-user support.

Ease of Use

Navigating through this cloud-based software proves to be straightforward due to its user-friendly interface. The onboarding process is relatively simple, and most features are easily accessible. However, the richness of features might overwhelm users who are new to EHR software. Certain functionalities like advanced analytics might require a learning curve. Overall, I find the software organized and manageable.

Customer Support

Healthie's customer support includes multiple channels such as live chat, phone, and email. They offer webinars and detailed documentation for users who prefer a self-serve approach. While their response time on live chat and email is generally swift, the depth of technical support can sometimes be lacking. Users have mentioned occasional delays in receiving comprehensive solutions to more complex issues.

Healthie Use Case

Who would be a good fit for Healthie?

This telehealth platform seems particularly well-suited for wellness professionals like dietitians, nutritionists, and health coaches. Smaller healthcare practices benefit from its comprehensive feature set that integrates appointment scheduling, charting, and telehealth functionalities. Teams of up to 20 find it especially useful given its task management and real-time notifications.

Who would be a bad fit for Healthie?

Large healthcare organizations or those that require extensive prescription management functionalities may find Healthie less appealing. The tool falls short in handling the complexities and scalability needs of large operations. Traditional medical practices that require robust prescription and referral management will also find Healthie lacking.

Healthie FAQs

What are the main features of Healthie?

Healthie offers features like appointment scheduling, telehealth, patient messaging, and electronic health records.

Is Healthie HIPAA-compliant?

Yes, Healthie is HIPAA-compliant.

What are Healthie’s pricing plans?

Healthie offers various pricing tiers starting at $50/user/month, with higher tiers providing additional functionalities.

Does Healthie offer mobile apps?

Yes, Healthie provides mobile apps for both Android and iOS platforms.

Can you integrate Healthie with other software?

Healthie provides API capabilities and integrates natively with tools like Google Calendar.

Is there a minimum number of seats for using Healthie?

Yes, the Basic Plan requires a minimum of five seats.

Is Healthie suited for dietitians and nutritionists?

Yes, Healthie includes nutrition tracking features and meal plans, making it suitable for wellness professionals.

Does Healthie offer real-time notifications?

Yes, does offer real-time notifications to keep your practice management efficient.

Alternatives to Healthie

  • Cerner - A better fit for large healthcare organizations, offers extensive hospital management features.
  • SimplePractice - Known for its strong focus on behavioral health services.
  • Practice Fusion - Offers robust prescription management features that Healthie lacks.

Learn more options that can fit your practice management needs in this list of the best EHR solutions.

Healthie Company Overview & History

Healthie Inc. focuses on providing EHR and practice management solutions primarily aimed at wellness professionals. Small to medium-sized healthcare providers often employ their platform. The company is privately owned and headquartered in New York. While there are no globally notable advisors, the team consists of experts in healthcare tech. Their mission statement revolves around streamlining healthcare management while keeping the focus on patient wellness. Healthie has achieved steady growth, with several rounds of successful funding and incremental feature releases.


In this review, we’ve delved into the multifaceted functionalities of Healthie, its pros, and its cons. While it offers a comprehensive set of features for small to medium-sized healthcare providers, it might not be the right fit for everyone. We invite you to comment and share your experiences with Healthie. For those who are still shopping around, our healthcare tools section offers a wealth of reviews on various EHR and engagement software solutions.

John Payne
By John Payne

John Payne is the co-founder and company director of Symphony Health. With over 20 years of management experience John is working alongside his wife, Dr. Kate Payne to build a multi-site Medical Practice where staff work collaboratively for the good of their patients. John is passionate about improving access to quality Healthcare in North Vancouver and sharing best practice with other people managing medical practices.