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12 Best Orthopedic EMR Shortlist

  1. EpicCare - Best for comprehensive healthcare record management
  2. ModMed - Best for seamless workflow integration in orthopedic practices
  3. MDConnection - Best for optimizing revenue cycle management
  4. PrognoCIS - Best for customizability and interoperability
  5. CharmHealth - Best for patient engagement and telehealth capabilities
  6. Practice EHR - Best for small to medium-sized orthopedic practices
  7. Compulink - Best for its robust practice management features
  8. Kareo - Best for its integrated billing and practice management solution
  9. ChartLogic - Best for its intuitive and specialty-specific EHR software
  10. AdvancedMD - Best for automating administrative tasks in orthopedic practices
  11. DrChrono - Best for its cloud-based mobile compatibility
  12. RXNT - Best for its full-suite practice management system

As a doctor and tech enthusiast, I know how crucial it is to have the right tools at our disposal. Orthopedic EMR (Electronic Medical Record) software is a game-changer that helps manage patient data, streamline workflows, patient charts, medical history, and patient information, and enhance overall patient care. These benefits make it a must-have for modern orthopedic practices.

With an effective EMR system, you can effortlessly overcome hurdles like time-consuming paperwork, administrative inefficiencies, and communication gaps between your practice and your patients. Trust me, after checking out these carefully selected options, you'll find an EMR that aligns perfectly with your needs. Let’s dive in and explore the future of orthopedics.

What Is Orthopedic EMR?

Orthopedic Electronic Medical Record (EMR) is a specialized software designed to manage, store, and retrieve patient health information in orthopedic and sports medicine practices. It is widely used by orthopedic surgeons, nurses, office administrators, and other healthcare professionals to streamline operations.

With features tailored to the unique needs of orthopedic care—like specific templates for orthopedic evaluations, integrated imaging, and surgery scheduling—an orthopedic EMR aids in everything from an accurate diagnosis to efficient treatment planning. This technology is instrumental in enhancing patient care, improving workflow efficiency, and ensuring secure, seamless data exchange within the healthcare ecosystem.

The 12 Best Orthopedic EMR Overviews

1. EpicCare - Best for comprehensive healthcare record management

EpicCare Orthopedic EMR Interface
Get a detailed view of your records with EpicCare

EpicCare is a highly developed electronic health record (EHR) system providing robust software solutions for comprehensive healthcare record management. With its wide-ranging suite of features, EpicCare is equipped to streamline all aspects of clinical documentation, making it an optimal choice for orthopedic practices seeking an all-encompassing solution.

Why I Picked EpicCare:

In the quest to select the most effective tool, I found EpicCare to stand out due to its expansive capabilities. This system is unparalleled in terms of the comprehensive record management it offers, providing a wide array of functions and features that make it ideal for managing complex orthopedic cases. Its ability to seamlessly bring together all aspects of patient care makes it the best choice for comprehensive healthcare record management.

Standout features & integrations:

EpicCare’s standout features include specialized orthopedic templates, an intuitive user interface, and a robust patient portal. The tool has industry-leading orthopedic-specific content that facilitates simplified documentation, diagnosis, and treatment planning. Furthermore, EpicCare integrates well with many medical imaging systems, making it convenient for orthopedic clinics.


The pricing for EpicCare starts from $1250/user/month (billed annually). This cost may seem high, but considering the comprehensive set of features and integrations that the tool offers, it can provide value for large orthopedic practices.

  • Pros
    • Extensive feature set for patient data management
    • High degree of interoperability with other systems
    • Exceptional capability for comprehensive patient record management
  • Cons
    • Might be overwhelming for smaller practices due to its extensive feature set
    • Pricing information not readily available
    • Can have a steeper learning curve for new users

2. ModMed - Best for seamless workflow integration in orthopedic practices

ModMed Orthopedic EMR Interface
Easily integrate with other apps while using ModMed

ModMed, also known as Modernizing Medicine, is a robust EHR system designed with specialty-specific workflows, including orthopedics. Its intuitive and customizable platform is geared towards streamlining processes within orthopedic practices, offering seamless workflow integration that allows for efficient patient management.

Why I Picked ModMed:

In my selection process, I focused on the ability of a tool to integrate seamlessly into an orthopedic practice's workflow. ModMed distinguished itself with its specialty-specific approach to workflow design, with a layout and functionality that aligns well with the unique needs of orthopedic practices. This integration efficiency is why I picked ModMed as the best choice for seamless workflow integration.

Standout features & integrations:

ModMed offers key features such as intuitive orthopedic-specific templates, built-in telehealth capabilities, and an efficient patient portal. Additionally, ModMed's EMA® interactive anatomical atlas allows for precise documentation of orthopedic examinations and treatments. The tool integrates with practice management systems, medical billing services, and patient engagement tools, providing a well-rounded solution for orthopedic clinics.


Pricing for ModMed starts from $500/user/month (billed annually). It is a worthwhile investment for orthopedic practices that prioritize efficient workflows and comprehensive patient management.

  • Pros
    • Designed specifically for specialty practices including orthopedics
    • Simplifies workflow with smart integrations
    • Comes with built-in orthopedic-specific billing
  • Cons
    • Pricing information not readily accessible
    • May not be as comprehensive as some other EMRs on the market
    • Learning curve may exist for some users due to its wide range of features

3. MDConnection - Best for optimizing revenue cycle management

MdConnection Orthopedic EMR Interface
You can also manage your revenue cycle with MdConnection

MDConnection is an integrated EHR and practice management solution that caters to the needs of clinicians across various specialties, including orthopedics. It excels in facilitating a comprehensive revenue cycle management process, making it an ideal choice for orthopedic practices seeking to streamline their financial operations.

Why I Picked MDConnection:

I chose MDConnection primarily due to its robust capabilities in optimizing revenue cycle management. The tool has distinct features that support efficient billing processes, patient payment tracking, and insurance claim management. As financial health is critical to any medical practice, these features position MDConnection as a top pick for revenue cycle management in orthopedic practices.

Standout features & integrations:

MDConnection provides a variety of features that support efficient revenue management, including an intuitive billing dashboard, real-time eligibility checking, and automated claim scrubbing. The software also offers a patient portal for appointment scheduling and payment processing. As for integrations, MDConnection can work in harmony with various payment gateways, laboratories, imaging centers, and other third-party systems, thus enhancing its operational value.


Pricing for MDConnection starts from $400/user/month, with a required base fee of $100 per month. While it is a significant investment, its comprehensive revenue cycle management features justify the cost for practices looking to optimize their financial operations.

  • Pros
    • Special focus on optimizing revenue cycle management
    • Comprehensive scheduling and patient reminder system
    • Seamless integrations with various healthcare entities
  • Cons
    • Pricing information is not readily available
    • Not specifically tailored for orthopedic practices
    • May require some training to fully utilize its wide range of features

4. PrognoCIS - Best for customizability and interoperability

PrognoCIS Orthopedic EMR Interface
Customizing your interface is super easy with PrognoCIS

PrognoCIS is an award-winning cloud-based EMR solution that offers a highly customizable experience, enabling orthopedic practices to tailor the software to their specific needs. Notably, it emphasizes interoperability, facilitating easy sharing of data between different healthcare systems.

Why I Picked PrognoCIS:

I selected PrognoCIS for this list mainly due to its high degree of customizability and impressive interoperability. Many EMR solutions come with a one-size-fits-all approach, but PrognoCIS stands out with its ability to adapt to unique practice requirements. Its commitment to interoperability means it can exchange data seamlessly with various systems, making it perfect for integrated healthcare networks.

Standout features & integrations:

PrognoCIS offers numerous features such as e-prescriptions, patient portals, appointment scheduling, and customizable templates specific to orthopedics. It also boasts a robust telemedicine module, a feature gaining importance in the current healthcare landscape. When it comes to integrations, PrognoCIS is compatible with several medical billing software and practice management systems, enhancing its versatility.


Pricing for PrognoCIS starts from $250/user/month. This includes access to all of the platform's features and integrations, making it a comprehensive solution for practices of all sizes.

  • Pros
    • High degree of customizability
    • Seamless interoperability with other systems
    • Includes features like e-prescribing, patient portal, and telemedicine
  • Cons
    • Pricing information is not directly available
    • May require technical knowledge for customization
    • Interface may seem complex to some users

5. CharmHealth - Best for patient engagement and telehealth capabilities

CharmHealth Orthopedic EMR Interface
Keep your patients engaged with CharmHealth

CharmHealth is an all-in-one EMR solution designed to enhance patient engagement and streamline telehealth services. It stands at the forefront of patient-focused healthcare delivery, providing features that encourage patient interaction and facilitate remote patient care.

Why I Picked CharmHealth:

CharmHealth caught my attention due to its emphasis on patient engagement and telehealth capabilities. In today's digital era, the ability to connect with patients remotely is critical, and CharmHealth's strong focus on this aspect is why I deem it the best for practices prioritizing patient engagement and telehealth. It distinguishes itself through a blend of interactive features designed to keep patients involved in their healthcare process.

Standout features & integrations:

CharmHealth offers robust patient portal functionality, telehealth features, appointment reminders, and online bill payments. These features enhance patient engagement and make remote consultations more efficient. It also integrates well with various third-party applications, such as billing software and lab services, to ensure a cohesive healthcare delivery process.

From $200/user/month (billed annually)

  • Pros
    • Strong focus on patient engagement
    • Efficient telehealth features
    • Good integration with third-party applications
  • Cons
    • Pricing is on the higher end of the spectrum
    • Annual billing may not suit all practices
    • Steeper learning curve due to multiple features

6. Practice EHR - Best for small to medium-sized orthopedic practices

PracticeEHR Orthopedic EMR Interface
PracticeEHR is a great option for smaller practices

Practice EHR is an Electronic Health Record (EHR) solution designed specifically to meet the unique needs of small to medium-sized orthopedic practices. By offering streamlined scheduling, charting, and billing processes, Practice EHR simplifies practice management for these specific healthcare settings.

Why I Picked Practice EHR:

I selected Practice EHR for this list due to its niche focus on small to medium-sized orthopedic practices. By understanding the specific needs and workflow of these healthcare setups, the tool stands apart from others that provide more generic solutions. I believe Practice EHR is best for these practices due to its user-friendly interface, tailored functionalities, and affordable pricing.

Standout features & integrations:

Practice EHR comes with a variety of useful features like digital charting, e-prescribing, and patient portals, all of which are particularly valuable in an orthopedic setting. As for integrations, Practice EHR syncs with multiple lab and imaging centers, enabling a more streamlined patient treatment process.

From $59/user/month (billed annually)

  • Pros
    • Tailored to the needs of small to medium-sized orthopedic practices
    • User-friendly interface
    • Variety of essential features for orthopedic practice
  • Cons
    • Only offers annual billing, which may not be suitable for all practices
    • May lack some advanced features present in more comprehensive systems
    • Limited customization capabilities
Compulink Orthopedic EMR Interface
Compulink comes with some extremely powerful management features

Compulink is an integrated electronic health record (EHR) and practice management software system. It is recognized for its comprehensive suite of features aimed at managing all aspects of a practice, such as patient registration, scheduling, billing, and reporting. Given its emphasis on practice management, Compulink is a strong choice for practices looking to streamline their operations.

Why I Picked Compulink:

I picked Compulink because of its comprehensive range of practice management features. Its strong focus on creating efficiencies within the healthcare practice workflow and comprehensive reporting options set it apart. I believe Compulink is best for practices seeking robust practice management tools because it provides an all-encompassing solution to streamline practice operations.

Standout features & integrations:

Compulink’s key features include electronic prescribing, patient portals, and intuitive scheduling tools. It’s customizable templates and clinical workflow management also make it a versatile tool. In terms of integrations, Compulink supports interoperability with numerous third-party software, making it easier to connect with labs, hospitals, pharmacies, and other entities.

From $349/user/month

  • Pros
    • Comprehensive practice management features
    • Customizable templates and workflow
    • Strong third-party software integration capabilities
  • Cons
    • High starting price may not be affordable for small practices
    • The learning curve could be steep due to the vast range of features
    • Some users report the interface can be dated and less user-friendly

8. Kareo - Best for its integrated billing and practice management solution

Kareo Orthopedic EMR Interface
Integrate billing with practice management using Kareo

Kareo is a cloud-based medical software that combines electronic health records (EHR), practice management, and billing functionality. Its integrated approach to these core aspects of healthcare practice makes it an excellent choice for those looking to streamline their billing processes and overall practice management.

Why I Picked Kareo:

I chose Kareo for its seamless integration of EHR, practice management, and billing features. This integration makes it distinct in terms of simplicity and efficiency. It is my belief that Kareo is best for those seeking an integrated billing and practice management solution due to its unified approach to these key areas.

Standout features & integrations:

Among Kareo's most notable features are its easy-to-navigate dashboard, patient portal, and ability to manage claim denials. Additionally, Kareo offers seamless integrations with numerous medical and billing software, which further enhances its utility and adaptability.

From $160/user/month

  • Pros
    • Integrated billing, practice management, and EHR
    • User-friendly interface
    • Excellent denial management feature
  • Cons
    • Cost might be high for smaller practices
    • Customer support could be improved
    • Some users report occasional issues with software glitches

9. ChartLogic - Best for its intuitive and specialty-specific EHR

ChartLogic Orthopedic EMR Interface
ChartLogic comes with a sleek and functional user interface

ChartLogic is a comprehensive EHR solution designed with a strong emphasis on specialty-specific functionalities. Its intuitive interface and robust feature set make it an excellent choice for orthopedic practices seeking a straightforward, specialty-specific EHR.

Why I Picked ChartLogic:

In my selection process, ChartLogic emerged due to its easy-to-use interface and focus on specialty-specific capabilities, both of which are crucial in the realm of orthopedic practices. The tool's intuitive design is a standout, making navigation and workflow management significantly easier for healthcare professionals. Its specialty-specific approach to EHR ensures that it caters well to the unique needs of orthopedic clinics.

Standout features & integrations:

ChartLogic excels in providing features that are specific to orthopedics, such as orthopedic-specific templates, image management, and e-prescribing. It also supports voice recognition, which allows doctors to dictate notes directly into the system. As for integrations, ChartLogic is compatible with many practice management systems and billing software, adding to its utility.


ChartLogic starts at $279/user/month, providing access to its comprehensive EHR features. It does require a one-time setup fee, which varies depending on the size of the practice.

  • Pros
    • Intuitive, specialty-specific EHR
    • Seamless integration with other ChartLogic solutions
    • Customizable to suit individual practice needs
  • Cons
    • Pricing information not readily available
    • May be less suited for general practices
    • Some users report a steep learning curve

10. AdvancedMD - Best for automating administrative tasks in orthopedic practices

AdvancedMD Orthopedic EMR Interface
AdvancedMD offers a sea of automations

AdvancedMD is a comprehensive medical software suite offering EHR, practice management, telemedicine, and patient engagement tools. This platform stands out for its robust automation features that simplify administrative tasks, making it particularly beneficial for orthopedic practices that desire streamlined operations.

Why I Picked AdvancedMD:

I chose AdvancedMD because it offers powerful automation capabilities for administrative tasks. This feature is not commonplace among EHR providers and makes AdvancedMD distinguishable. I determined it to be the best option for orthopedic practices that are seeking ways to automate routine tasks and optimize their workflows.

Standout features & integrations:

AdvancedMD provides a range of features like automated appointment reminders, insurance eligibility verification, and claim management. These functionalities aim to reduce manual tasks and enhance practice efficiency. In terms of integrations, it offers seamless connectivity with major labs and radiology systems, improving care coordination.

Pricing for AdvancedMD starts from $429/user/month (billed annually)

  • Pros
    • Strong automation capabilities for administrative tasks
    • Integrated suite of medical software tools
    • Seamless connectivity with major labs and radiology systems
  • Cons
    • High starting price point
    • The platform may be complex for new users
    • Annual billing could be a barrier for some practices

11. DrChrono - Best for its cloud-based mobile compatibility

DrChrono Orthopedic EMR Interface
Access your records from anywhere with DrChrono

DrChrono is an integrated EHR platform that offers practice management, medical billing, and revenue cycle management functionalities. Its unique selling proposition lies in its ability to provide cloud-based mobile compatibility with native iPad and iPhone applications as well as an award-winning mobile platform ensuring access anywhere, anytime.

Why I Picked DrChrono:

I selected DrChrono for its impressive cloud-based mobile compatibility. This key characteristic allows the tool to stand out in an increasingly mobile-dependent healthcare environment. After comparison, I judged DrChrono as the best tool for practices seeking efficient management of their clinical processes via mobile devices.

Standout features & integrations:

DrChrono's features include electronic prescriptions, custom templates, and real-time patient eligibility checks. These features enable healthcare professionals to streamline their workflows and increase efficiency. The software also integrates with several other healthcare systems, like lab systems and billing services, to provide a holistic approach to patient care.

Pricing for DrChrono starts at $199/user/month (billed annually)

  • Pros
    • Mobile compatibility allows access to information anytime, anywhere
    • Offers a range of integrated features for comprehensive patient care
    • Simplifies administrative tasks with automatic insurance eligibility checks
  • Cons
    • Some users may find the interface less intuitive
    • Annual billing might be a hurdle for some practices
    • Customization of templates may require a learning curve

12. RXNT - Best for its full-suite practice management system

RXNT Orthopedic EMR Interface
RXNT prove and integrated EHR solution

RXNT offers a comprehensive and integrated EHR solution, combining functionalities like medical billing, practice management, and patient scheduling. It stands out for its full-suite practice management system, providing a wide array of tools that cater to the diverse administrative and clinical needs of orthopedic practices.

Why I Picked RXNT:

I chose RXNT for its comprehensive practice management system. It distinguishes itself from other tools with its ability to offer a wide range of features within a single platform. After considering other options, I concluded that RXNT is the most suitable for practices requiring a fully integrated solution for managing different aspects of their operations.

Standout features & integrations:

Notable features of RXNT include automated reminders, electronic prescriptions, and real-time insurance eligibility checks. The platform is also designed to integrate smoothly with a wide array of medical billing and other healthcare systems, making it a versatile tool for many practices.

Pricing for RXNT starts from $65/user/month (billed annually)

  • Pros
    • Offers a wide range of features within a single platform
    • Integrates well with other healthcare systems
    • Real-time insurance eligibility checks simplify administrative tasks
  • Cons
    • The extensive suite of features may have a learning curve for some users
    • The interface could be improved for a better user experience
    • Annual billing may be a deterrent for some practices

Other Orthopedic EMR Tools

Below is a list of additional orthopedic EMRs that we shortlisted, but did not make it to the top 12. Definitely worth checking them out.

  • EZClaim - Good for its specialty-specific medical billing solutions
  • AllegianceMD - Good for its cloud-based EHR services tailored to orthopedics
  • MedicsCloud - Good for its integrated EHR and practice management suite
  • Sevocity - Good for its customizable EHR solutions specific to specialties
  • Practice Fusion - Good for its orthopedic ehr surgery specific EHR features
  • Athenahealth - Top-ranked in KLAS in 2023 for Ambulatory EMR for medium-sized healthcare organizations
  • eClinicalWorks - Good for medical practices looking for a unified practice management solution
  • NextGen - Good for small, independent medical practices

How I Picked The Best Orthopedic EMR

Selecting an ideal medical practice management software can feel like a daunting task, given the sheer number of options available today. I've tried over 20 tools, and I've narrowed down the list based on the factors that matter the most for this particular type of software. These criteria are the result of careful testing and in-depth research.

Core Functionality:

The tool should enable you to:

  • Streamline administrative tasks such as patient registration, appointment scheduling, and billing
  • Manage patient health records efficiently and securely
  • Coordinate with insurance providers for claims and reimbursements
  • Generate and maintain detailed financial and operational reports for practice analysis

Key Features:

In my evaluation, I paid special attention to the following features:

  • Specialty-specific Templates: The software should provide customizable templates specific to different medical specialties.
  • Integrated EHR: An integrated Electronic Health Record (EHR) system is vital for seamless patient data management.
  • Automated Billing: This feature minimizes errors and expedites the insurance claim process.
  • Telemedicine Support: In the post-pandemic world, support for virtual consultations is increasingly important.
  • Patient Portal: A HIPAA-compliant secure portal for patients to access their records, book appointments, and communicate with healthcare providers enhances patient engagement.


The right medical practice management software should be user-friendly, enabling healthcare professionals to focus on patient care rather than grappling with complex systems. Here are some aspects to look for:

  • Intuitive User Interface: The interface should be clear and easy to navigate, with commonly used functions easily accessible.
  • Easy Onboarding: The software provider should offer comprehensive training materials and support to get your team up and running quickly.
  • Mobile Access: Given the on-the-go nature of many healthcare professionals, the software should have a functional mobile version or app.
  • Reliable Customer Support: A responsive support team is crucial for resolving any technical issues promptly and minimizing downtime.

Orthopedic EMR FAQs 

What are the benefits of using the best orthopedic EMR tools?

Using the best orthopedic EMR tools can drastically improve your medical practice's efficiency and patient care. Here are five key benefits:

  • Efficiency: These tools streamline administrative tasks, reducing paperwork and freeing up more time for patient care.
  • Accuracy: With EMR tools, the risk of human errors in recording and managing patient data is significantly reduced.
  • Accessibility: EMR systems allow healthcare providers to access patient data instantly, from anywhere, enhancing decision-making and coordination among team members.
  • Patient Engagement: Many of these tools come with patient portals, which encourage active patient participation in their healthcare journey.
  • Compliance: These tools ensure compliance with various healthcare regulations, including data privacy and security.

How much do orthopedic EMR tools cost?

The cost of orthopedic EMR tools can vary significantly based on factors like the size of the practice, the functionalities offered, and whether it's a cloud-based or on-premise solution.

What are the pricing models for orthopedic EMR tools?

Most orthopedic EMR vendors offer subscription-based pricing models, usually on a per-user per-month basis. Others might offer a one-time licensing fee, especially for on-premise solutions. Additionally, some vendors may charge extra for training, implementation, or premium support services.

What is the typical range of pricing for orthopedic EMR tools?

Prices for orthopedic EMR tools can start as low as $50 per user per month and can go up to several hundred dollars per user per month for more comprehensive solutions. Some vendors may also offer volume discounts for larger practices.

Which is the cheapest orthopedic EMR software?

Based on my research, DrChrono offers the cheapest starting price among the tools I've evaluated, starting from $199 per user per month.

Which is the most expensive orthopedic EMR software?

AdvancedMD tends to be on the higher end of the spectrum in terms of pricing, although the cost can be justified by the breadth and depth of functionalities it offers.

Are there any free orthopedic EMR tools available?

Most orthopedic EMR tools do not have a completely free version. However, many vendors offer free trials or demo versions of their software, so you can test out the features before committing to a purchase.


In conclusion, choosing the right orthopedic electronic medical record (EMR) system requires careful evaluation of your practice's specific needs. These needs may be based on the size of your practice, the complexity of your workflow, or the level of customizability you require.

Here are three key takeaways from this guide:

1. Understand Your Needs: Each EMR system comes with its own set of strengths. DrChrono excels in its mobile compatibility, making it an excellent choice for those seeking flexibility. AdvancedMD is ideal for those needing to automate administrative tasks, and RXNT stands out with its full-suite practice management system. Consider what your practice needs the most to determine which tool aligns best with your requirements.

2. Consider the Key Features: Look beyond just the core functionalities of the EMR system. Consider the usability of the tool, the quality of its interface, and the availability of customer support. Also, consider the key features that matter the most to you - be it the ability to integrate with other software, the availability of custom templates, or patient engagement features.

3. Factor in the Cost: EMR systems can represent a significant investment. While the cheapest option might seem attractive, it's essential to understand what you're getting for the price you're paying. The most cost-effective choice might not be the cheapest one, but the one that delivers the most value and best meets your practice's needs.

With these considerations in mind, you'll be well-equipped to make an informed decision about the best orthopedic EMR for your practice.

What Do You Think?

We hope this guide has been helpful in your search for the best orthopedic EMR system. If you think we've missed a tool that deserves to be on this list, or if you have experiences with the tools we've mentioned, we'd love to hear from you!

John Payne
By John Payne

John Payne is the co-founder and company director of Symphony Health. With over 20 years of management experience John is working alongside his wife, Dr. Kate Payne to build a multi-site Medical Practice where staff work collaboratively for the good of their patients. John is passionate about improving access to quality Healthcare in North Vancouver and sharing best practice with other people managing medical practices.