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Over the years, I have had the opportunity to hire numerous medical practice managers and witness firsthand the transformative impact they can have on a healthcare facility. If you're a healthcare provider seeking to take your practice to new heights, hiring a skilled medical practice manager is the key to success. The right candidate can make all the difference in propelling your practice towards growth and prosperity. In the following post, I'll help you understand precisely what to look for in candidates, fostering a level of confidence and trust in your hiring process. My aim is to ensure you find not just a manager, but a leader who will take your practice to new heights. So let's dive in, because I believe you're ready to make that transformative hire!

What To Include in a Medical Practice Manager Job Description

An human resources professional will tell you an optimal job description for a Medical Practice Manager should have a clear and comprehensive structure that makes it easy for potential candidates to understand the role, responsibilities, and requirements. Here are the core components that a job description should include:

  1. Job Title: The title should accurately represent the role. In this case, "Medical Practice Manager" is most suitable.
  2. Job Purpose/Summary: This provides a high-level overview of the job, describing its purpose and general impact on the practice. It helps set the tone for the rest of the description.
  3. Duties and Responsibilities: This section is a list of the primary tasks that the practice manager will be expected to perform. It might include elements like managing day-to-day operations, staff management, coordinating with medical professionals, overseeing billing and accounting, and ensuring patient satisfaction.
  4. Qualifications and Skills: Here, you should state the education requirements, experience, and skill set needed for the job. This may include a bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration, experience in a healthcare setting, knowledge of medical terminology, excellent communication skills, leadership qualities, and proficiency in medical software.
  5. Reporting Relationships: Mention who the practice manager will report to (usually the head physician or medical director) and who will report to them (such as administrative staff, nurses, or other medical staff).
  6. Working Conditions: Outline the working environment of the job. This includes physical expectations, work hours, potential challenges, and any travel requirements.
  7. Performance Evaluation Criteria: This section outlines the benchmarks that will be used to evaluate the practice manager’s performance. It could include objectives related to patient satisfaction, financial management, staff retention, etc.
  8. Compensation and Benefits: While not always necessary in a job description, it can be beneficial to outline the salary range and benefits offered. This helps to attract candidates who have realistic salary expectations.

Remember, the job description serves not only to attract suitable candidates but also to set clear expectations, ensuring alignment between the practice's needs and the manager's role. This clarity aids in the manager's successful integration into the practice and helps foster a harmonious working environment.

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Sample Job Description: Medical Practice Manager

Job Title: Medical Practice Manager

Job Summary: We are seeking a dynamic and experienced Medical Practice Manager to join our team. In this critical role, you will oversee and enhance our daily operations, fostering a productive and caring environment that prioritizes excellent patient care. Your expertise will drive efficiency, financial stability, and growth, marking a new era of success for our practice.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Oversee the day-to-day operations of our medical practice, ensuring smooth workflows and high standards of patient care.
  2. Supervise administrative and medical staff, promoting a culture of collaboration, respect, and ongoing professional development.
  3. Develop and implement operational policies and procedures that boost efficiency and compliance with medical regulations.
  4. Oversee the financial aspects of our practice, including budgeting, billing, and financial planning.
  5. Foster strong relationships with patients, staff, and other healthcare providers, embodying our commitment to community-centered care.
  6. Leverage technology to optimize patient records management, appointment scheduling, and other essential processes.

Qualifications and Skills:

  1. Bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration or a related field. Master’s degree preferred.
  2. Minimum of five years of experience in healthcare management, ideally within a similar practice.
  3. Proven leadership skills, with an ability to motivate and guide teams towards common goals.
  4. In-depth knowledge of medical laws and ethics, and an ability to navigate them in the context of our practice.
  5. Proficiency in healthcare management software, and a forward-thinking approach to integrating technology into practice operations.
  6. Exceptional communication skills, capable of fostering strong relationships and navigating challenging conversations.

Reporting Relationships: The Medical Practice Manager will report directly to the Head Physician and will oversee a team of administrative staff, nurses, and other medical professionals.

Working Conditions: Our practice offers a dynamic and fast-paced environment that requires adaptability and a patient-focused approach. Regular office hours are expected, with occasional weekend or evening work during peak times.

Performance Evaluation Criteria: Performance will be evaluated based on improvements in practice efficiency, patient satisfaction, staff morale, and financial performance. Benchmarks and performance targets will be discussed and set collaboratively with the Head Physician.

Compensation and Benefits: We offer a competitive salary and benefits package, commensurate with qualifications and experience. This includes health insurance, retirement benefits, and opportunities for professional development.

By joining us, you will not just be filling a role; you will be playing a pivotal part in transforming our practice, setting a new standard for patient care, and making a tangible difference to our community. We look forward to hearing from you.

To apply, please submit your resume and cover letter detailing your relevant experience and qualifications to [contact information].

Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.

Hiring Considerations for Medical Practice Managers

When seeking the ideal candidate for the Medical Practice Manager role, there are several essential qualities to consider:

  1. Healthcare Management Expertise: This is a given. Your candidate must demonstrate a deep understanding of healthcare management principles, laws, and ethics. They should be familiar with current trends in healthcare and show an ability to apply this knowledge to their work.
  2. Strong Leadership: The ability to lead, inspire, and manage a team is crucial. Your ideal candidate should have a track record of leading teams, driving team performance, and fostering a positive work environment. They should be capable of both guiding the team and resolving conflicts, always with a focus on the bigger picture.
  3. Effective Communication: A Medical Practice Manager interacts with a range of people, from medical staff to patients and vendors. As such, they must have excellent communication skills, able to convey information clearly, empathetically, and effectively in various contexts.
  4. Problem-Solving Skills: Managing a medical practice involves tackling myriad challenges. The ideal candidate will display keen problem-solving abilities, exhibiting resourcefulness and a knack for innovative thinking.
  5. Financial Acumen: Your ideal candidate should have the knowledge and experience necessary to manage budgets, billing, and financial planning. They need to make informed decisions that ensure the financial health of your practice.
  6. Technology Proficiency: In our digital age, it's vital that your candidate can comfortably navigate healthcare technology, including electronic health records and practice management software. Their ability to leverage technology can greatly enhance efficiency in your practice.
  7. Patient-Centric Approach: Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, your ideal candidate should genuinely care for patient wellbeing. They should exhibit a patient-centric approach in everything they do, helping ensure that patients always feel valued and well cared for in your practice.

Remember, a successful Medical Practice Manager is the linchpin that holds your practice together, and their role goes beyond mere administration. Therefore, when seeking the ideal candidate, look for someone who not only fits the job description but also shares your practice's values and vision.

Interview Stages and Process for Medical Practice Managers

When evaluating, shortlisting, and processing candidates for the Medical Practice Manager role, it's important to have a structured approach to ensure fairness and effectiveness. Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Screening: Start with screening resumes and applications. Evaluate each candidate's qualifications, skills, and experience against your job description. Those who meet the criteria move to the next phase.
  2. Preliminary Interview: Conduct a preliminary phone or video interview. This conversation can help you assess a candidate's communication skills, gauge their interest in the role, and clarify any queries regarding their resume.
  3. In-Person Interview: Invite the shortlisted candidates for a comprehensive in-person interview. This interview should explore not only their professional competence but also their alignment with your practice's values. Include scenario-based questions to understand how they'd handle specific situations in your practice.
  4. Panel Interview: Consider having a panel interview that includes key members of your practice. This can give you diverse perspectives on the candidate’s fit within the team and leadership potential.
  5. Assessment: An additional stage of evaluation could include a task or case study relevant to the role. This could provide valuable insight into the candidate's problem-solving abilities, decision-making skills, and how they handle real-life scenarios.
  6. Reference Checks: Contact the candidate's references to verify their previous job responsibilities, performance, and interpersonal skills.
  7. Final Interview: A final interview can be useful for discussing the assessment task, addressing any remaining questions, and talking through the offer and terms of employment.
  8. Job Offer: Once a decision is made, extend a formal job offer to the chosen candidate. The offer should include information about salary, benefits, start date, and any other relevant terms of employment.

Each of these stages provides a chance to evaluate different facets of a candidate's abilities and fit for your medical practice. They also give the candidate an opportunity to understand your practice better. It's a mutual discovery process that ensures both parties make an informed decision.

Interview Questions (& Ideal Answers) for Medical Practice Manager Interviews

Here are 10 suggested interview questions for a Medical Practice Manager candidate, along with ideal responses:

1. Question: Can you describe your experience with healthcare management software?

Ideal Answer: The candidate should be able to discuss their experience using various healthcare management tools and their proficiency in electronic health records and practice management software.

2. Question: How do you ensure effective communication within your team and with patients?

Ideal Answer: A strong candidate will share their strategies for fostering open and effective communication, which may include regular team meetings, feedback sessions, and active listening practices.

3. Question: Can you tell us about a time you had to handle a conflict within your team?

Ideal Answer: The candidate should demonstrate their conflict resolution skills, including listening, impartiality, problem-solving, and maintaining a focus on the practice's overall goals.

4. Question: How have you used technology to increase efficiency in a medical practice?

Ideal Answer: The candidate should provide specific examples of how they've leveraged technology to streamline operations, improve patient care, and enhance team productivity.

5. Question: Can you discuss your experience with financial management in a healthcare setting?

Ideal Answer: The candidate should share their experience with managing budgets, billing, financial planning, and identifying areas for cost reduction or investment.

6. Question: How would you handle a situation where a patient was dissatisfied with their care?

Ideal Answer: An ideal candidate will prioritize patient satisfaction, demonstrating empathy, listening skills, problem-solving abilities, and a commitment to improving services based on patient feedback.

7. Question: What strategies do you use to stay updated on changes in healthcare laws and regulations?

Ideal Answer: The candidate should describe their commitment to continuous learning, citing resources like professional organizations, online platforms, and seminars where they gather updates on industry regulations.

8. Question: How would you motivate your team during stressful periods?

Ideal Answer: The candidate should illustrate their leadership skills, highlighting strategies like maintaining open communication, providing positive feedback, offering support, and fostering a resilient team culture.

9. Question: Can you share an instance where your decision significantly improved a medical practice's performance?

Ideal Answer: The candidate should provide a specific example where their decision led to measurable improvements in efficiency, patient care, financial performance, or staff morale.

10. Question: Why are you the best fit for our medical practice?

Ideal Answer: The candidate should be able to align their skills, experience, and values with the needs and culture of your practice, demonstrating why they are not just a good fit, but the best choice.

Medical Practice Manager Scorecard

When you’ve hired a medical practice manager or medical office manager, it’s important as with any new staff to evaluate their performance and suitability. This scorecard provides a comprehensive framework for evaluating the Medical Practice Manager's performance, focusing on their ability to lead the team, manage operations, ensure financial health, and deliver exceptional patient care.

Vision for the Role: The Medical Practice Manager will serve as a catalyst for growth and efficiency in our practice. They will cultivate a vibrant, patient-focused culture that promotes teamwork and continuous learning. Through their strategic leadership and operational acumen, they will empower our practice to deliver unparalleled patient care, exceed financial targets, and enhance our reputation in the community.


  1. Operational Efficiency: Oversee day-to-day operations, streamlining processes to maximize efficiency without compromising on patient care. This involves managing legal obligations, business administration, as well as patient records, appointment scheduling, billing, and other administrative functions.
  2. Team Leadership & Development: Lead, manage, and develop the practice's staff. This includes managing staff meetings, support staff, and receptionists fostering a positive work environment, facilitating professional development, and ensuring optimal staffing levels.
  3. Financial Management: Oversee the financial aspects of the practice, including budgeting, cost management, and financial planning. The manager must ensure the practice's financial stability and growth.

Primary KPIs:

  1. Patient Satisfaction Score: The manager should aim to consistently maintain high patient satisfaction scores, demonstrating the effectiveness of patient care and service.
  2. Financial Performance: The manager's ability to meet or exceed financial targets, including revenue growth and cost efficiency, will be a key measure of success.
  3. Staff Retention Rate: A high staff retention rate will indicate a positive work environment and effective leadership.

Secondary KPIs:

  1. Operational Efficiency Rate: Measures how streamlined the practice's processes are.
  2. Patient Retention Rate: Measures the practice's success in maintaining a loyal patient base.
  3. Compliance Score: Measures the practice's adherence to healthcare laws, regulations, and ethical standards.
  4. Number of Patient Complaints: A lower number indicates better patient satisfaction and fewer issues.
  5. Staff Training and Development Hours: A higher number shows commitment to staff development.
  6. Average Patient Wait Time: Lower wait times indicate better operational efficiency.
  7. Rate of Billing Errors: A lower rate indicates better financial and administrative management.
  8. Number of New Patients: A higher number shows effectiveness in attracting new patients.
  9. Utilization of Health Management Software: Measures the adoption and effective use of technology in the practice.
  10. Staff Performance Scores: Higher scores indicate successful leadership and staff development.

What do you think?

We believe the diverse perspectives of our community enrich our knowledge and understanding. Therefore, we welcome your insights and suggestions. Have you noticed something we've overlooked? Do you have additional criteria or questions that have proven effective in your own experiences? Share your thoughts and help us create an even more comprehensive guide for hiring the best Medical Practice Manager. Together, we can strengthen our practices and elevate patient care. We're eager to hear from you!

John Payne

John Payne is the co-founder and company director of Symphony Health. With over 20 years of management experience John is working alongside his wife, Dr. Kate Payne to build a multi-site Medical Practice where staff work collaboratively for the good of their patients. John is passionate about improving access to quality Healthcare in North Vancouver and sharing best practice with other people managing medical practices.